MovieChat Forums > Zero Day (2004) Discussion > Why don't they make a movie about the li...

Why don't they make a movie about the lives of the victims?

Oh, that's right, no one cares about them.


People do care, but what kind of movie would that be? Watching just a regular life play out with an abrupt tragic end.

These movies, I believe, are made to show people that this could happen to anywhere, anytime and by anyone. These teens don't seem like they could do something like this, but they do for whatever reason pushed them to this breaking point. That's an interesting thing to analyze on film.

Why are there no movies about the victims of serial killers, but about the serial killer themselves? Same thing.

Only with school shootings, I believe, most show how other kids can push them to this breaking point and make something snap. I.E.: Elephant. Bang, Bang, You're Dead. And most other books and movies about these events. Hell, even Zero Day kinda hints that it may have been others that they are acting out against.

And those feelings of revenge are a lot more common than people think. I was thinking it. Looked online- others were thinking it. Looked in a documentary- they were thinking it. Just they pulled the trigger and we didn't.

So, in a way, these could also be cautionary tales.





Because it would be extremely boring.

Killers are interesting, normal people aren't.


I think that a movie about Rachel Joy Scotts life woould be could show her spiritual journey and writing in the journals she wrote a movie about how she viewed life.I think it'd be interesting.


what longbaughs said.


they did, it's called Elephant

So... grudges attack people.


OP is an idiot.



You could basically watch any ordinary High School movie.


I'd like to see a movie about a community struggling to recover from a tragedy rather than the tragedy being the building block for an entire movie.

To the world you may just be somebody, but to somebody you may just be the world.


Watch The Life Before Her Eyes, which focuses entirely on the victim of a school shooting.

When the world slips you a jeffrey, stroke the furry wall.


I thought the shooters were the victims.


*English is not my primary langage.

Polytechnique :

...a movie from Denis Villeneuve, who was nominated last year for best foreign language movie, Incendies, really focusses on victims, even if we see the whole massacre as well.


Because there were over 30 victims including 13 who died at the actual CHS shooting. With films about school shootings, you pretty much have to make a choice: will it be about the perpetrator or a victim. And if you choose the latter it usually has to be just one victim that you focus on if the school shooting in question is a room-clearing situation like at CHS. So far Elephant is the only film I've seen that managed to strike a balance between the two.
