Argh, realistic until the shooting... Someone slap the 911 operator.
I felt like I was watching a real documentary. The movie was so perfect -- up until the school scene; the acting by everyone was superb up until that point. However, the kids in the school -- which they all probably had the most simplest role, compared to others, to just run around -- and yet they failed to do so in a realistic manner. It just totally killed the mood. It was laughable. The kids would run like Lemmings and, by the far the funniest, they would take the same route AROUND the tables when they could've just went straight. Hilarious.
Also, the 911 operator was EXTREMELY annoying. I've heard real 911 operators before -- many times -- and they don't have to narrate like that: "Reloading", "Rapid Fire", "Weapons Loaded", "Weapon empty" -- uhh, what?! (You can tell they had separate sound track for those because she says it practically when it actually happens). Does that operator have a part-time job as a game voiceover too or something? It was just too funny. Actually, it was REALLY annoying. I would've bursted a gut if she had said, "Head shot!" too. Seriously, we didn't need a play-by-play announcer. A real 911 operator would've been just fine. And I'm sure many would agree it was extremely annoying when the operator kept asking "Andre, are you there?" A MILLION TIMES; Lady, obviously he's not. If I was the co-director, 1.) I would've replaced the operator with someone better and also fix her lines. or 2.) Have the operator actually speaking with different students that escaped (so we don't have to keep hearing her annoyingly say "pick up the phone"!), AND the students can state what is or was going on! (Like in Bowling for Columbine) or 3.) Just completely get rid of the whole 911 operator idea, so we can hear Cal and Andre better. I think I would've been more into that scene if I didn't have to hear that annoying operator. Silence is usually louder than words.
Also, it doesn't make sense how the operator is able to hear everything so well; the cell phone, which was from some kid calling the police, was in a totally different area. I mean, I can understand being able to hear loud gunshot, but being able to hear Andre and Cal speak was unrealistic. The operator somehow knew that one of the victims escaped too. Totally unrealistic. The operator even says "Andre is being apprehensive" -- how the hell does she know which one is Andre? But then right after that line, she says "Perpetrator is being apprehensive". Ridiculous.
I think there could've been more survelliance cameras than just three! The school just felt really empty. How hard is it to find a bunch of random people just to run around in the school. I mean, if there's hundreds of students then I would understand people bumping into each other -- but come on! -- there were only like 15 or so.
Also, Andre and Cal were both making bombs but it never showed them using it at the school. Huh? Therefore, the bomb making tutorial just seemed pointless.
I'm being picky about these things because the whole movie was just perfect and realistic up until that point, but these flaws just totally killed the mood then.
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