Up until the shooting of course and more so as a tragic figure then anything else.
I got the impression that Andre was the one who really wanted to go forward with Zero Day , and Cal , probably because Andre was his only friend , only went along with it.
You can tell in the gun and pipe bomb videos that Andre was the one who actually knew how to carry out a plan that big.
Also picked up some pretty big jealousy by Andre during the scene in which they burn their possessions. Cal was better at talking to girls then Andre was and even had a date for the prom. Meanwhile Andre keeps a note that was written to him by a girls years prior.
I get the feeling that Cal was probably only picked on because he hung out with Andre. I wonder if that was similar to the actual Columbine shooting.
Dude Cal didnt need to talk to girls, girls would come to him anyway. He has the typical pretty boy look that girls that age drool over. As for Andre he may was better at carying the plan out but in the end he didnt really want to kill himself while Cal on the other hand killing himself was what he wanted from the beggining.
Did you watch the same movie as me??? Cal was a total psycho. Andre was way way more normal than cal. Andre had a job, be knew how to talk to people, he was not socially awkward. Did you see cal at the prom in the limo? he didn't know what to say, the others felt uneasy by him, and expressed it before and after he got into the limo. plus he was the one who wanted to kill himself after, Andre couldn't do it.
Talking about feeling jealous about prom, no he wasnt jealous, he trust didn't understand why he was going. and speaking of the girl cal was with, it wasnt like he had asked her out, she was friends with him for a long time, if it wasnt for her, he would never have talked to any girls in high school.
as far as the leader, cal knew just as much about what they were doing, which is back to my point, cal could not even talk in front of the camera, and was just a quiet person.
man I think you are not a good judge of character or maybe you are very young, or you a are a girl, or both, no offense.
what the heck are you talking about?? of course Andre was a psycho, they were both loony tunes. The OP was trying to say that Cal was normal and was being lead by Andre, which is crap, they were both equally into the plan.
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thats just it, its like you have their names mixed up or something. You say Cal was the follower when Andre is the kid that had a job and decent parents. He wasnt such a social retard. Cal was the one who wanted to kill everyone, or at least he was more into the situation. he also had all the research for all the plans. Anndre knew all about the weapons because he grew up with them and was taught as a child.
they are both crazy, but Cal is defin. the mayor of crazytown.
Here's the cold hard reality. If you were in that school, someone like Cal would have killed you whether you felt sorry for him or not. Does that sound like someone who deserves sympathy?
Cal was more introspective and quiet than Andre but clearly just as disturbed. He got a real thrill out of anti-social behavior (egging the house, reciting death poems) and went even more over-the-top crazy than Andre during the actual shooting. I think he and Andre were both troubled disturbed boys and when they met something just clicked. They each recognized the darkness and potential for violence that existed in the other.
Overall Cal seemed more hesitant about the whole thing, but that doesn't mean he wasn't on-board. I think the significance of the poetry slam scene was that it he was having second thoughts at the time and was sort of hoping his stunt for attention would cause people to discover their plan and stop it like Andre said they might. He may have even been trying to get them pulled over by telling Andre to drive with his eyes closed. It's possible that was also his idea with writing Chris the note. But after that it was a done deal as far as he was concerned and after they actually entered the library he ended up taking the leadership role over Andre for the first time in the whole film, which he maintained up to and including their suicide.
Cal's endgame was quite clearly suicide. He was definitely a disturbed young man who had a lot of quiet anger built up in him though because he released that in the shooting itself. He was more talkative overall and expressive during the shooting. Andre was sort of joking and having fun. Cal was cold and angry, maybe sarcastic at the most.
And there's one moment that I didn't notice for a long time, right before they decide to kill themselves... Cal's over by Greg's body staring at the pool of blood and he says quietly to himself, "I can see... my reflection.. heh, in his blood."