In the end, the two shooters find people hiding behind the couch and one of them was named Greg. They recognize him and tell him he's going to live, then they shoot him. Was he in the movie at an earlier point that the audience would have seen?
No. It was essentially a repeat of Klebold & Harris calling some of the library victims by name, to illustrate that they knew them. It reflects how callous the pair were once they began to kill.
One thing vampire children have to learn early on is don't run with a wooden stake
Alright thanks. For some reason I thought I remembered the name coming up before, maybe in the limo. But yeah that doesn't take away at all from how shocking it was to see them shoot someone after giving them some shred of hope.
I went back and checked it out on the DVD and you're right. Greg was just the guy from the limo. It's weird because I could have sworn I heard Greg instead of Brad.
Apparently the guy whose house they egged was "the captain of the wrestling team, Brad Huff."
Seems odd that they'd never feature him in the film, perhaps that's why my brain connected him to Greg who is mentioned twice and they didn't seem to have a vendetta with him in the limo scene and yet killed him in the shooting scene.
Maybe they killed Brad too in a deleted scene or maybe he was supposed to be "the other guy behind the couch" that Andre kills.
He's not listed as one of the people shot on the "official report" promotional website. My guess is Cocco never even bothered hiring an actor for his part since it's not necessary.
It's also not likely that Andre killing Greg had anything to do with their prior relationship. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Makes sense. I've always wondered if any of the people besides Greg that were killed in the shooting scene had appeared earlier in the movie like the girl Cal went to prom with, etc. I need to check out the official report website myself. I think the last time I did was at least five years ago.