Some of the dark humor moments
Did anyone catch the part where Andre was about to steal an extra shotgun from his cousin, but decided against it because the safety indicator had been removed, saying "I don't wanna get my brains blown out before Zero Day."
I also found Andre's character describing the drawbacks of the other guns quite funny. After showing off the reloading of the 20g double barrel shotgun, he says "By the time I do that and have closed it up, 3 football players have tackled me and bashed my head in with a chair. Not good!" Then he says the single action revolver is only good if you want to rob somebody.
I found myself laughing quite a lot at this movie. Yes, it's based on tragic events but I felt the dark humor added a lot of personality to the characters. Even though they are no-name actors I felt immersed in the story because I could somewhat relate to them, despite their insanity and evil actions. This movie also managed to pull off the found footage thing pretty nicely, only utilizing the video camera and security footage/911 call for most of the film. Only one scene I recall used a different camera, which was the prom scene, which imo should have been cut entirely.
Anyway, did anyone notice any funny moments I might have missed?