Likeable Jack Black...

How else do you explain someone giving him 20 mil to make this crappy film? It cost 20 million to make and they made 13milo worldwide. And, he must be super likeable because how else would they get so much talent in this movie for 20 million? Actors worked for scale as a favor to Jack.

Therefore, he must be a super likeable guy.


Well, the film isn't crappy, so that's how I'd explain it. How can you call it crappy? Because it's not pact with Hollywood action scenes, or over-acting, or famous bad actresses? Or do you just not have a taste for music? Because I thought it was one of the most underrated movies I've ever seen.


Um, I'll have to disagree. Unfortunately, I think the film is beyond crappy. I'm 42, university educated and, I consider myself to be someone with reasonably respectable taste in arts and culture.

I like Jack Black. I just thought this movie stunk. Now, I know girls in their twenties who think everything he does is orgasmic. Maybe it has something to do with age and experience (or lack, thereof) - could be a good argument, huh?

I just think the humor in this movie was dumb and I'm surprised they got the green light to go into production.

But good on them for making a buck out of it. I applaud their "tenaciousness."


"Uhmm, I'll have to disagree.." Please just stfu, because you sound like a total douche. How could you call this movie "beyond crappy"? Sure, everybody to their own, but that doesn't mean I have to respect your opinion. Nobody cares how old you are or what education you got.

It's a *beep* movie, and I can't stand douches like you, who go down into every detail, and critisize everything they can about a simple comedy movie, because it's not some masterpiece. Seriously, it's a simple, straight-to-the-point comedy film, with some funny gags and scenes.

So take the *beep* stick out of your ass and try to realize that, ok? And if your still too dick-faced to get that, then just gtfo and don't say anything at all. Because nobody wants to hear your *beep*


your comment was fine except the start of it, we are talking about an entertaining 'GOOD' film, with entertaining and 'GOOD' rock music within it, we dont care about your tastes and your education shut up... that really annoyed me, you sound like a dick. Jack Black is great, this film is great... end of... stop thinking that just because you are highly educated means you cannot enjoy pretty mindless fun!

Pick of Destiny was sick!
