TV ruined this film
I just saw the film on TV, it was in a 2 hr spot, lots of commercials, so parts of the film were cut. Why did the guy beat German up at the end - I know German was selling his soul to the devil by trying to be accepted into a real estate investment company dominated by white agents, but what was relationship between the guy who beat him up and German? A relative of the grocery store family? What happened to the college student girl - why did she get a restraining order against her boyfriend? What did he do to her? I think Tata was the girl who lied about the birth certificate - she is someone half white, hald puerto rican, unsure of her identity, so she gets fake certificate - what does this mean? She lies so her reward is becoming the queen? German sells his soul but is accepted by the white business world but rejected by his people? The only way to get ahead is lying and cheating people? Maybe there was no message, just a slice of life in chicago. It reminded me of DTRT, but perhaps that wasn't the directors intent, to make a controversial film about race....any feedback? BTW I am renting this from netflix so I can see the whole thing - the movie was ruined by my local cable station.