MovieChat Forums > Art School Confidential (2006) Discussion > just because i hate this movie...

just because i hate this movie...

doesn't make me some loser for posting negative comments on the message board. you people who's only defense to a poor review is, "you have no life" or "why would you waste your time to say how bad a movie is" or, my all time favorite, "you're just jealous and can't do anything creative yourself so you sit at home behind your computer and rip movies"

there are a plethora of moronic retorts that people come up with, which are so incredibly unintelligent that it makes me wonder if anyone in this position can actually be objective.

the idea of this movie wasn't necessarily bad, but the movie itself was horrible... IMO people, IMO. For those of you whom say that if you're not into art, this would be over your head are so wrong. Please, if you think this isn't true, explain yourself. I'm no art connoisseur, but I know enough. even if I didn't, it doesn't take a genius to realize that they're making fun of it. i mean, come on, Malkovich saying that it has taken him 25 years to perfect the triangle. don't say that we don't get it, it just makes it sound like you're defending yourself for liking a bad movie.

for those of you who dislike dissent, let me ask this: what is the difference between a critic sitting through a movie, not liking it and writing a bad review as opposed to a regular movie viewer doing this same? i suppose you'll say being paid money has to do with it, but that argument won't work as people have hobbies in which they'll never receive a penny.

just like me having the freedom to dislike a movie and "waste" my time talking about it, you have the freedom to disagree with me and "waste" your time discussing. have fun ya hypocrites.


Wow, where to start.... Since most of your post was an argument for people who don't respect your right to have an opinion, I didn't get a clear idea of your actual thoughts on the film itself. I agree with you that a vast knowledge of the art world isn't required to critique this movie.

I thought it was pretty entertaining myself, but by no means was it incredibly good. I liked the cast, and the quirky qualities of some characters. I also thought some of the jabs they made at the haughtiness and self-importance of some in the art world were pretty clever. I also really liked the way it ended - and it's scary to realize something like that could actually happen.

So, what did you dislike about it?

"I'm sorry Champ. I think I ate your chocolate-covered squirrel."


MONO - this post wasn't really about the movie. It was about those who think people are idiots for having a negative opinion of it. Which, obviously you soaked in.

However, I did talk briefly about the movie. When I first saw the trailer, I was interested in seeing it. However, the trailer is better than the movie itself.

1) I felt the acting was really bad. I'm not sure I can give you really in depth specifics.
2) I thought the score was terrible and didn't match the picture throughout the film
3) It wasn't funny. Obviously, this is entirely opinion and there is no fact whatsoever to back up this statement. I agree that everyone is different and finds humor in different situations, as they should.
4) The script was poorly written. It was full of cliches. Why is it that just because it's a parody it has to be so overboard? It feels like the writer/director doesn't have respect for the audience when they over do it.
5) The film seemed to boarder on the attempts of being way too clever. For instance, Jerome's sidekick from class was this pansophist who had all the answers to life.

I know these points are opinion based. But, that's what life is about. It's choices and freedom and expression. Some may think I'm way off, and that's okay. These points are very simple and I could probably divulge further, but to be perfectly honest, I don't remember in great detail the movie, so I can't say much more. I guess over all, as a satire, it was poor. Just like the one actor, I don't know his name, but I assume they were making fun of Kevin Smith. I just feel like it's a giant blanket statement and it makes fun of the stereotype. I'm sick of hearing about stereotypes. Besides, I don't mind the contrived or bullsh*t people because I'm not responsible for them.

Anyway - this is long winded and probably all over the place, for that, I apologize.

One last thing, the end of this movie has been done. I don't know how many times, but I could name a few. The most prominent would be, "The king of comedy" This, IMO, is a great movie. A great satire that doesn't over do much. There are a couple scenes in the movie that are just plain ridiculous, but not much of it is.

Thanks for sharing, MONO. I'm glad we could keep it civilized. :)



I saw this film for the first time today. My partner had saved it and he finally wanted to see it. I was certainly impressed with the nudidy in the first part and I was most impressed with the rest of the movie. I will look at this movie again over time. I am 46 years old and, as everybody, I like to think I know everything.

John Martin, 46
Fort Worth, Texas


I agree with Burtonrrider, this movie is terrible. The flashback sequence in the episode where Marge has to paint Burns' portrait where her art teacher gives praise to the cliche sad faced clown picture and insults her painting of Ringo Starr sums up the entire movie. People who have no talent are praised and are in love with themselves. Also I wished that bitchy lesbian character would of gotten murdered. She was the most annoying character is the history of film.
