Why the movie failed

No one had any faith in the original graphic novel which was a series of funny incidents between the students, the teachers and each other. They felt they needed a "serial murder" plot device added to make it marketable/palatable/exciting. They ruined it. All they had to do was look at the success of M*A*S*H. It had no plot. It had a beginning where Hawkeye enters the camp and an end where he leaves the camp. In between there are funny sequences that could have been shuffled into any order. M*A*S*H succeeded where Art School Confidental failed.


I gotta agree with you on that one -- I've enjoyed reading the thread about all the lame art student projects far more than the movie. Anyone who has been to an art school knows there is plenty of amusement there without having to interject a ridiculous serial killer. I wonder what will happen with the next Clowes comic they make into a movie...


Yeah that and the corny ass kiss at the end. Come on...


Agreed, but it was a MAD magazine-type comic strip, not a graphic novel.

And the kiss was meant to be corny, if you understand Clowes's sensibilities. It reminded me of the ending of David Boring... not a sentimental kiss, but one loaded with mockery.
