Class douchebag?

I don't see how Bardo came to the conclusion that Jerome could be considered a douchebag. Perhaps a bit too kept to himself, but a douchebag? I don't think that's the operative word. It seemed like they put that in just to callback the other line.


No... No he's a douchebag.

Imagine taking art for the first time and you try really hard and your art still looks like crap, and some guy in your class tears it apart and thinks he should get patted on the back just because he can draw pretty pictures without trying. Jerome is skilled at one thing: drawing people. He doesn't do anything else successfully, and he doesn't have any original ideas.

Or say your Bardo, and your new friend can't talk about anything except trying to land a girl, and no matter how much you try to help he just stays bitter and withdrawn.

I admit I felt sorry for him the first time I watched the movie, but he's really self-centered and whiny...

voilà pourquoi


he is an 18 year old art student in NYC. Of course he is selfcentered and whiny...



Actually, I think the Bardo guy was the real douchbag.



he is an 18 year old art student in NYC. Of course he is selfcentered and whiny...

This is worth quoting.


That insult is too vague for me. It's used so often these days it's like calling a coyote a dog because it sort of looks like a dog, so close enough. I need you to be actually upset when you insult someone, not use a French word for BATH and then act like that's the worst thing you could call someone.

I agree. Really good quotes.

"he is an 18 year old art student in NYC. Of course he is selfcentered and whiny..."

"This is worth quoting. []"



I don't see how Bardo came to the conclusion that Jerome could be considered a douchebag.

I agree. According to, the definitive authority on such matters, "douchebag" means "Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and assh@le however not yet reached fvcker or motherfvcker. Not to be confuzed with douche."

"Douche" is "a word to describe an individual who has shown themself to be very brainless in one way or another, thus comparing them to the cleansing product for vaginas."

I think Bardo meant that Jerome was the class "douche", not the class "douchebag". Like the words "ass" and "assh@le" there's a big difference.

However it should be noted that the word "douche" has become synonymous with "douchebag" in recent years. So I'd say Jerome is nether a douche nor douchebag but probably just a plain old dork.

P.S. for anyone studying to become a douchebag, there's a great tutorial here:


He called Jerome a douchebag because Jerome wasn't interested in being his buddy. Jerome wasn't interested in anything he did or had to say so to Bardo, in that moment, Jerome was a douchebag.

As far as Jerome goes, he was a douchebag for stealing another artist's work and identity, causing the death of everyone in that apartment building and not admitting to it, and using the deaths of murder victims to become a famous artist. but Bardo didn't know about all that. Lol


To be honest after starting to attend class he seemed like a little arrogant ass most of the time.
