Question for an Art Geek

So, I'm currently studying illustration and animation, and the fine art students seem to make a lot of pretentious crap that they made in this movie. I enjoyed that aspect of this film, because most of the illustration majors mock the fine art kids for painting a bunch of circles on a huge canvas.
My main argument against this type of "post-modern" art is that it seems like the artist always needs to explain their work. They always need to explain their goal. In my opinion good work shouldn't need explanation. If people watch a movie and don't have a clue what happened, and the director has to come out and explain the narrative, then it was probably a poorly made film. I think that applies to a lot of abstract or post modern art.
Also, it seems like there is a randomness to it, almost as if the artist is just BS'ing a reason to paint something weird. It's like they're trying so hard to make good art instead of just making something actually good.
Personally, I self admittedly don't get the type of art where it's just a bunch of shapes of paint splatters. I appreciate artists that use technical skill along with their creativity.
Anyways, my main question is, how do some of you appreciate this form of art? (for examples the triangles john malkovich's character painted) or other famous artists who do similar work. What is there to understand? What's the purpose? And i'm not asking condescendingly, I just don't get it.


Good questions, yeah as a former illustration major, I often felt, "what is art?" this is so individual. What I like about some of today's art is that "skilled artist" are expressing themselves in "LowBrow/Pop Surrealism" Art. This is fascinating to me, because the art skills are there, there's no real "lengthy explanation" and it's fun and light or dark and complicated. Maybe it's a fad, but it's enjoyable to see how artist are expressing themselves. I worked in animation for a few years, and really, either you can do it or not, can't BS your way into staying in that field(waayy too much competition). But then again some conceptual/fine artist can sell their work for $$$$ thousands if the right patron comes his way. Money can be made in all these areas, choose which you enjoy the most. I can't design like a graphic designer , but I admire those who have those skills, I try to be open minded.
