An Amusing Thought
In a discussion about the US Secret Service
someone mentioned the large number of Federal agency acronyms.
So i wrote:
I watch some of the NCIS shows and it always amuses me when agents burst into a room or approach someone outdoors and say: "N C I S !" and expect people to know what they mean. The real life television programs in the NCIS series do not exist in the fictional world of the NCIS shows and so most members of the general public should never have heard about NCIS.share
Shouting "Frederal Agents!" seems like a better way to identify themselves as law enforcement.
I wonder if there were ever any jokes on the program about people not knowing what NCIS was.
And of course, I just thought about what it would be like if the NCIS shows were real in their own fictional universe.
"Why are you so glum, Magee?"
"It should be obvious, Torres, unless you forgot the coming attactrions. They sure make the murder we're going to solve this week seem gruesome and disgusting."