Pauley's War on Anti-Celebrity Political Opinions
πThere's nothing to worry. You're going to be just fine. I'll take care of you. I'm your #1 fan.π±
πThere's nothing to worry. You're going to be just fine. I'll take care of you. I'm your #1 fan.π±
she thinks that everyone that voted for Trump is a bigot, she is a shallow thinker and is out of touch in what's going on in this country and the world, like auto and other plants moving out, terrorists trying to infiltrate us by pretending to be refugees, as they have done in other countries and blowing up night clubs, churches, ETC. killing hundreds of innocent people, many countries are refusing to let them in because of it. and the list goes on, this president claims to fix the problems, will he? maybe, maybe not, but to say he and the people that voted for him are bigots is quite stupid, remember, she's not the genius she portrays on the show.
Her generalization is wrong but I don't blame her for being angry and there are a great number of people who did vote for Trump because of their racist mentality. My cousin is one and she is Hispanic. Racism and prejudice stems from fear and anger. Trump represents this and he won.
πThere's nothing to worry. You're going to be just fine. I'll take care of you. I'm your #1 fan.π±
"there are a great number of people who did vote for Trump because of their racist mentality...Racism and prejudice stems from fear and anger. Trump represents this and he won."
What an uneducated, irrational, bigoted load of crap. How does the Kool-aid taste?
just another libtard
shareTotally agree - I am a huge fan of NCIS and Abby is a great character. A coupla years ago I saw Pauley on a daytime talk show - what a flake ,a total libtard. Still , she is a good actress and I enjoy her portrayal of Abby .I am afraid the show is going downhill since Glasberg. Sad
I'm a considerably m,odern Republican.,
I'm a democrat and a moderate. However, it seems the Democratic Party has bee overrun by elitist intellectual liberals -- what Joe Biden called "Limousine Liberals".
The main reason why Hillary Clinton lost was NOT because a bunch of bigots voted for Trump, but because the Democratic Party abandoned and ignored working class Americans.
The intellectual elitists (those "Limousine Liberals") who are running the Democratic Party concentrated their efforts on wooing upper-middle class professionals (soccer moms/soccer dads and such), young millennials who are one their way to being upper-middle class soccer moms/dads, and lower class urban minorities.
That last group (the lower class urban minorities) were not "wooed" as much as they simply were promised by the elitists liberals "Don't worry you poor downtrodden lower middle class people. If you stand behind the democratic party, we will protect you"...with an unspoken emphasis on the "stand behind" part.
In the mean time, the working-class (lower-middle income people) were ignored. Most likely because the people running Hillary's campaign probably figured that the minority members of the working class would automatically side with them. However, they were wrong about the veracity of their support. Many black and Hispanic working class people felt they had more in common with plight of white working class people than they had in common with lower-class minorities.
While the liberal-left wing of the democratic party thinks all minorities might think the same way simply because they are minorities, the actual INDIVIDUALS who happen to be minorities think mainly based on their socioeconomic situation rather than the color of their skin. So the issues a black working-class person may think are important are more in line with what a white working-class person feels is an important issue rather than what a lower-class urban minority thinks is important.
The working class (black and Hispanic members of working class along with white members of the working class) feel left out and ignored in the process. That's why much of middle-America could get themselves to believe in Hillary enough to vote for her. They did not feel she cared about them.
The difference between my view as a moderate democrat and the view of the elitists "Limousine Liberal" democrats is that the Limousine Liberals don't trust the lower class people to make their own decisions. They say they want to protect them, but while doing so, they treat them like some helpless little bird with a broken wing.
...Back to Pauley Perrette:
While I'm not going to judge her on her political ideology, I think she's missing the point of why Trump got elected. And that's because the working class was completely ignored by the people currently in charge at the Democratic Party. Tthose in charge made it a point to woo white Hollywood because they knew white Hollywood had a high soapbox.
I hate to say it, but I think Pauley (like many Americans who didn't vote for Trump) may mean well, and have her heart in the right place, the reality of it is that the liberal left wing of the Democratic Party fed her a line, and she fell for it.
Sure, we all want to help our fellow human beings, but the question is: what's the best way to help? The answer to helping the lower class lift themselves up should not include ignoring the working class.
π π
It's called a remote control. It has a channel up button, a channel down button, and a power off button. Get familiar with this device, learn to use it.
How can we expect the world to trust in a loving God, when His followers can be so full of hate?
That's why much of middle-America could get themselves to believe in Hillary enough to vote for her. They did not feel she cared about them.
So the 2 white guys who shot and killed at least 6 Muslims in prayer at their Mosque in Canada are NOT terrorists to you? Sure the hell are to me!
Timothy McVey wasn't a terrorist when he blew up the Murrah building in OKC? Again, he sure was to me. Feel free to send me to the cornfield here on IMDb too.
White Christians are just as much terrorists as brown Muslims when they commit acts of terror.
If anyone here follows me on Twitter be aware, I am a bleeding heart liberal. If you want to un-follow me for my beliefs please feel free to do so.
Dr Jason Bull: Don't give up on people, they're all we've got.
Finally, something you & I can agree on 100%. Trump is using fear to try & divide us. By the way MR. Spicer the majority of Americans didn't vote for Mr. Trump & don't agree that this is leading America in the right direction.
shareMrs. Clinton did not get the vote of the majority of Americans either.
πThere's nothing to worry. You're going to be just fine. I'll take care of you. I'm your #1 fan.π±
sure, 2 white guys and McVey against 6 million Muslims that want to kill us, great comparison.
so long, it's been good to know ya
I don't know what Pauley said, but the way you think is the opposite of most people in our government and around the world. They say this immigration ban is fodder for ISIS to create propaganda stating that they have more evidence the US hates Muslims and reasons to fight us. However, that's just countries involved in the ISIS fight and career intelligence people in our government- I'm sure you're right and it's the fault of a couple of celebs.
sharePauley is welcome to her opinions and to voice them. I have not always agreed with her but Pauley is very true to her beliefs and supports all the causes which she believes in. I respect her so much for time commitment to her causes. And to be honest reading her statement she said the Republicans who voted for Trump were "duped" but she did not say they were all bigots and morons ( which I have seen).
And she totally missed the fact that many Democrats were disillusioned with their party and chose a different candidate. The biggest issue that I have with her statement is that she has only called out Republicans.
To lose patience is to lose the battle ~~ Mahatma Ghandi
People who insist on bringing politics to these boards are the reason why they will be gone on the 20th.
Mark Harmon and NCIS Fan
[email protected]