Awesome, but how is it legal?
They must have to sign a lot of paperwork, or the laws in Japan are really lax. We're too sue-happy in the United States
shareThey must have to sign a lot of paperwork, or the laws in Japan are really lax. We're too sue-happy in the United States
shareThis might help:
Clive James was a contestant on Takeshi's Castle in the 80s and he explains the legal thing
Trying To Solve The "Lyle Stevik" case since 2006
Because Japan believes in personal responsibility. they have less than 1% of the lawyers that we have in the U.S. When they sign a waiver, they stick to it. In Japan if you hurt yourself doing something you agreed to do ... guess what, it's your responsibility.
I wish the U.S. had a FRACTION of the personal responsibility ethic of the Japanese culture (when it comes to liability or lawsuits). Here in the U.S. we have idiots suing people over EVERYTHING. The expense of lawsuits has raised the cost of doing business over 3000%. Just try to get "EVENT INSURANCE" for any even you do.
BTW: About 10 years ago, I saw a "CNN Factoid" where something like 92% of the World's (yes that's right - the entire world) lawsuits are filed in the U.S.A.
We can't control our lawyers because a majority of our LAWMAKERS are blood sucking lawyers and they will never pass laws to control their fellow blood suckers.....
Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.share
Can you say "bullsit" anyone? If Japan only had 1% of the lawyers that the US has, they wouldn't even have enough lawyers to create all those waivers that MANY Japanese game shows must have for their contestants let alone all the other things lawyers do that have nothing to do with suing people. The fact you believe some ridiculous "factoid" (how is that different from a "fact" anyway?) from CNN proves what an idiot you are. I agree that nothing will change as long as the greedy bloodsuckers run Capitol Hill though.
shareSorry, but I forgot to say how stupid you are. So here I am saying it. I didn't come up with the phrase Factoid you moron. CNN did. Your math is idiotic as much as you are. It only takes ONE lawyer to write up a waiver, so does that equate to millions of lawyers in your fantasy universe?
Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.share
Either way, none of the stunts are really that dangerous.
This show is GREAT!!!
I love watching it and laugh the entire time.
True the stunts aren't all that dangerous, I think the worst thing one would suffer from is a twisted ankle or a slight concussion. Indeed to the Japanese those type of injuries are like little scratches.
shareRead somewhere that over the years injuries have included broken hands, limbs, and ribs, minor and severe lacerations, concussions, and a bunch of other stuff.
[citation needed], I know, but I read it on a pretty reputable source like two years ago. Although I didn't see any paralysis or anything too horrific, so it's likely the safety measures were pretty good.
wait, what are you talking about, not that dangerous?
i dont know how many episodes you've watched but some of those things look like they hurt
the ones where they have to jump on something in the middle of the 'fluid' and most of them bounce off and land in what looks like only a few feet of mud looks like it hurts immensely
or where they have to jump over that board with the plastic duck on it or something and bang every available surface on the way down, with a distance that looks to be about 10 feet or so
OR that one that no one ever seems to complete, the one where they have to jump and roll their way down on top of each giant separate rolling pin looking thing and everyone slams their heads into them on the way down as they fall off
i dont know about you but those things dont look fun lol