Will there be a volume 6 dvd?

There are still 13 episodes not released on DVD (not counting Almost Live and the Best of episodes), does anyone know definitively if they will (or won't) be releasing a volume 6?


I highly doubt it, thank God for bootlegs.


Why do you highly doubt it?

Why did they go to the trouble of making 5 volumes only to stop with the final one?


How about the simplest answer? The DVDs didn't sell very well.


I highly doubt it, thank God for bootlegs.

Do you know where these bootlegs are?



Well, there are the random 5th season episodes that occasionally pop up on youtube and bit torrent sites, but you have to filter the wrongly labeled season 4 episodes. I haven't found the complete 5th season yet. Then again, I haven't really looked since my first post.


I know of a few Season 5 episodes here and there, but only five that I know of. I did find the specials, complete monsters, the animation special, best of, and US special. No complete season 5 that I can find sadly.



Yeah, I tried searching again with the same results. I'm happy to have the un-cut monsters episode! I can't go 2 seconds without laughing once Piss-in-boots comes out on the field.


No! God damn it! I had to have some of those episodes on tape. I taped every single one. Back when they used to have marathons I'd make sure I recorded every single one. I was unaware the DVD's didn't have that last season. I threw away a giant box of VHS tapes last month. I know those mXc tapes were in there. If I knew the DVD's were missing episodes I'd have never thrown those tapes out. I could have ripped them and uploaded them. Son of a Bitch!


Most of Season 5 is on Amazon Instant Video and iTunes now. No DVD.

It's just missing 'Gay Rights vs the Religious Right' for some reason. Now it's the only episode I don't have.

Would anyone happen to have a recording of that one, or know if one is uploaded anywhere..?


Yes Season 5 is up on Amazon Instant video now! Get it while you can.


but of course missing the all elusive S05E02 Religious Rights vs. Gay Rights

@Ryu-San what do you mean season 5 is up on itunes? there is only seasons 1-4 at least on US itunes, do you use itunes from another country?

For people outside the US who want's this from Amazon Instant Video it will be a big pain in the as*s but it is possible, i've already downloaded the first 4 episodes and waiting for
the rest. Start by following this link: http://support.unblock-us.com/customer/portal/questions/445619-way-to-buy-amazon-instant-videos-without-a-us-credit-card-guide-how-it-works-for-me
After that you will need to download Amazon Unbox to download the episodes only it won't let you download them because you are not in the US, so you will need to use US Proxy server
on your internet Connection. Us one of these: http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/search-226235

If you don't want to do all this i will be releasing the complete series (minus S05E02) on the pirate bay for all to enjoy soon
