Typical Americans degrading something good
I enjoyed watching this show in Japanese. I didn't understand most of what they talked about since I don't speak their language. But I recognize the universal language. Obviously they didnt disrepsect one another. It was all in clean fun. After all, there were kids on there at times.
But a person who watches MXC wouldn't know that. Because the english dubs are too busy making the participants look like morons, creating a false picture of the whole experience. Celebrating wipeouts as well.
It's pretty disgusting that USA can't encourage family programming. And they hate it so much that they take actual family programming and turn it into smut.
I recommend to anyone that wants to watch this unadulterated. You can find it on Youtube under the actual Japanese text 風雲!たけし城. My wife and I enjoyed it alot more watching it this way. Watching something that is REAL is better.