Last episode?

To me it didn't feel right at all.I don't think at the time that they filmed that,the guys knew that the show was axed.If they had known I think both shops would have done something crazy!!!

The 21st century is when it all changes


I haven't seen the final episode yet. But I think you're right. I think the show was axed right after the build off was done. Probably got axed right in the middle of taping the next episode? Which wouldn't have really given them time to build up to a dramatic final episode.

Which probably means we'll see one more episode at some point. Like a grand finale two hour special or something. Perhaps a Christmas episode?


I suppose the build off footage will be shown on the build off show.

I thought the ending was appropriate, father and son both agreeing to keep things personal and not go into business. I think they were both relieved and happy with that decision in their way.

My theory is that once their business deal was off for sure, Discovery decided to cancel, because then there wouldn't be the conflict they were wanting. Anyway, happy ending for the TV show, but I still think we haven't seen the last of these guys in some form or other.



>I would have liked to have seen both shops reaction to being cancelled.

Good point, me too.
You wouldn't think too many would be happy about it, since they are presumably losing a source of income from it, and is also likely putting financial stress on the complany that they work for, thus putting their jobs in jeopardy.

I could see some people being happy to be away from the stress of the cameras though.


With the show being cancelled, do you think Vinny will leave PJD and just focus on his own shop?

If he does, I put the closing of PJD up closer than the one year I previously predicted.


It wouldn't surprise me at all if Vinnie dropped out of PJD to focus on V-Force. I kind of got the impression he came back for the TV show. Without the TV money, will Jr even be able to pay him? Was Jr even paying him at all, or was he just getting money from TV?


It's possible that maybe Vinnie was only getting money from the show. Plus being able to show the V-Force logo on the show possibly getting his business more exposure too.

Showing the V-Force logo had to be negotiated in my opinion. Otherwise the show would've blurred it out like they do to so many other things.



It's possible. They do it with Deadliest Catch. "After The Catch"
