Lilo's voice

The same person has been doing that role for years now. Was just wondering how they keep it so consistently like a little kid (which she definitely isn't anymore), if anybody knows?

"Never finish what you can't start!" ;)


Well..if you some episodes,Lilo's voice is a tad different..but i guess because Daveigh's a girl ,she can fake it.
The Booglinator has spoken.



It's not that hard. I mean, the girl who played Alice and Wendy (Kathryn Beaumont) still does their voices when Disney needs her to, and she sounds all right. And she's an old lady now. x)


she also did chihiro/sens voice in hio miyasakis anime film ''Spirited Away''


Some people can still keep that young voice in them if they can try. But if they're a boy, then that's gonna be hard because their voices develop different when they get older. Daveigh Chase is a year younger than I am, so looking back at this, you can tell that during the final season, Lilo's voice was a tab bit hard to keep in touch when she speaks. I'm not so sure if she can still keep up with Lilo's voice forever til she tries to retire.

I may be weird, but I'm not crazy or stupid!
