Was Vince Vaughn sleeping while doing this movie?
Despite seeing a majority of Stiller and Vaughn's other work, Dodgeball was one of those movies that I kept either forgetting to watch or just didn't have the opportunity to watch.
Well, I watched it the other day, and Vaughn almost put me to sleep. I get that Vaughn is supposed to be the "straight/calm" guy around the over-the-top performances of Stiller and everyone else.....but the guy looked like he just wanted to take a nap!
Even Stiller (when he plays the "straight" man) tries to bring something to the role (or at the very least looks like he is AWAKE).
Vaughn looked so bored and disinterested, I wondered if there were any behind the scenes things going on that could explain it.
Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and sh*t and Jack left town