your scores
on a scale of AWESOME to PETRIFYINGLY GOD AWEFUL, how good or bad is the movie?
Life is pain on a stick
on a scale of AWESOME to PETRIFYINGLY GOD AWEFUL, how good or bad is the movie?
Life is pain on a stick
All I have to say is..... This movie takes place in a bakery on a main street. If their phones weren't working, all they had to do was YELL and they would have been helped? And how did nobody see the man who was squished into the wall? Oh, and one more thing, It is a FRIKCEN COOKIE. How do you stop a cookie? You just step on it. Problem Solved. Alternately, you wait for it to possess someone and then kill that person. The credits at the beginning were the longest part of this movie. The plot has holes bigger than Gary Busey's teeth. So, this movie was SO aweful that I will ask for that hour of my life back when I am on my deathbed. And if God exists, he would give it back to me. So I can come back to life. As a cookie.
"You want to be immortal. Why?"
"To live forever."
House of the Dead was on par with this.