Turkish Figs ... Anyone?

Okay, somebody on the imdb said that Gary Busey was "Oscar" worthy in "The Gingerbread Man". So I watch "The Gingerbread Man" making sure to see the opening credits but noticed his name wasn't there SO I started thinking "Hey, this must be one killer of a "Cameo"! He's not even mentioned in the opening credits" I watched the whole crummy "Gingerbread Man"! NO Busey Came! So I come here again and make sure that there's not TWO movies called "The Gingerbread Man" There AIN'T! I find that it's not called "The Gingerbread Man" at all ...it's "The GingerDEAD Man"... Okay I got it! Thanks.
I'm wondering something.
You all are attracted to these kinds of movies, right?
So why do you complain that they're no good? "and"
How can you tell the good ones from the bad ones?

""""___Shel's Bells___""""
