Worth a rent?
Is this worth it in a so bad it's good kind of way?
Bad movie reviews
Is this worth it in a so bad it's good kind of way?
Bad movie reviews
Yes, this movie is worth every penny to rent, but do not buy it. This f-ing hilarious!
"Every fight is a food fight if you are a cannibal" - Demetri Martin
I rented it for 99 cents at Blockbuster. So, yes, it was worth it. It's worth seeing once just so you can talk about how bad it is. It has a few funny moments but I was expecting more. And I was expecting a bit more of old Scary Gary. One thing I can say for it is, at least it wasn't one of these bad movies that drag on forever... I actually meant that as a sort of compliment but it came out a bit wrong.
Whoa, there. Whoa, there, chicken eyes.
Yeah, it's definitely worth renting. Do not buy. The Gingerbread puppet is HILARIOUS. There is one shot of him firing a huge revolver and I just kept playing it over and over again, frame by frame, laughing my ass off. Have fun!!!
sharei agree... the gun thing was hilarious
I think therefore I drink.
I mean.. I rented it expecting it to be so bad its good, like you said. However, its in a totally different league of bad. It's flat out horrible. Me and my friends had to fast forward through most of the dialogue because it was mind numbingly bad and boring.
The only funny thing about this movie is the fact that Gary Busey is in it. Oh and the part where the Gingerdead Man says "EAT ME YOU PUNK BITCH!" hahaha
Possibly the greatest-worst movie ever made. I bought it and watch it regularly. It's even better if you have friends that will watch and laugh with you. The second one is boring though.
its ok. i gave it a 3. if it had a bit of nudity i would have given it a 4 or 5
Yes, in a way it is.
Some of the acting and dialogue is so stunningly bad you just have to laugh at it and the gingerbread man is hilarious. It has a good musical score too. The downside though is that sometimes the bad acting gets on your *beep* nerves and the story is very bad and thin, which lead me to give it a 5.
But it sure was a neat time-waster!