96 Quite Bitter Beings

Who's the lead singer in this song? For some reason, I think it's Jess. I don't know why. It says he's the drummer, but I've probobly never saw a picture of him. I might of. Does any one know who it is?


Deron Miller. He is the lead singer in CKY, the band.



The greatest band ever? uhhhh...no. CKY is decent but to say they are the greatest band ever is complete b.s. Also CKY4 sucks...It seems like Bam just through together a bunch of already used Jackass footage to make a quick buck...Most of the scenes in this were recycled bits that were used on Jackass. Raab pissing on the electric fence was pretty funny, however even that was a bit for the Jackass show that they didn't use...



sorry mate but its the other way around. johnny knoxville and his friends (steve-o dave england, ehren etc) got together with the cky crew to make jackass. Most of jackass is recycled CKY e.g pretty much all scenes with brandon dicamilloin em are from cky cuz brandon aint in jackass!same for mark hanna. shopping carts is from cky one also
just wanted 2 clear that up
