MovieChat Forums > Der Untergang (2005) Discussion > The Russian rapists and the spring of 19...

The Russian rapists and the spring of 1945

There is no denying that the Russians did the heavy lifting in the defeat of Hitler, the Russian Army by the spring of 1945 was a juggernaut sending the depleted German armies before it reeling back towards Germany, they could not have come so far without the aid of America as well as the british but still in terms of defeating German troops in actual battle, and paying a heavy toll for that victory there is no comparison. it is estimated that over 20 million Russian died during the war, so it is safe to say there was not a soldier in the Russian army who had not suffered some loss due to the German invaders.

All the Early victories in Russia meant nothing if the Nazi armies couldn't finish the deal by the first Winter.of 1941/1942, The Nazi's made it to the very gates of Moscow, gobbling up much of Russia, but they stalled. Winter set in, and a Russian counter attack in the heart of that cold sent them reeling.

Its amazing that they still had another chance to seal the deal in 1942. They came close again, taking even more land, but the german attempt to take Moscpw from the south, cutting it off from the rest of Russia failed at Stalingrad just as another Russian Winter closed on them.

In the captured lands of Eastern Europe, the Nazi's vast catalogue of horrors and atrocities is a black stain on humanity, in those lands we saw the worst possibilities of the human heart. Depravity and perversion the likes the world had never seen and hopefully will never see again were unleashed on a subjugated people. whole towns were rounded up and placed in barns and the barns set on fire, the germans sang songs as the humans inside died in fiery torment. There never has been a evil like the Nazi's, a evil born from intelligent educated people, intelligence twisted to malevolency, evil it seems springs from th ignorant or the uneducated, but here we had the opposite, a psychotic grasping evil, made stronger and more prevalent, more thorough by intellect, made more ghastly and more horrible.

Only madmen and fools throw caution to the wind and act without fear of ramification. Only a madman would burn down a barn full of women and children and not see what the horrible future this will lead too. In the end all are punished, no atrocity goes unpunished. There is an order to the world. The blood of innocents is avenged. The decent men and women of other nations will not long stand by while basic morality is assaulted, at the least this a selfish response, a barn full of women and children burnt to the ground in the Ukrine, may become a barn full of Women and children burnt to the ground in Ohio or Alberta, The people of the world will band together to fight.

It is said in the case of Stalin, it took evil to defeat Evil, and just as Hitler was able to bring out the worst of the German people, Stalin who was just as diabolic but not nearly as intelligent, would have his say in the atrocities to smite the WORLD in the War years. For most of the war the Russians were the good guys, FIGHTING WITH COURAGE AND CONVICTION TO cast the satanic invaders from their country, but as the tide of war changed, and the Russian in many ways became the conquerors, as their armies sept through one Eastern European country after another they showed a terrible side to the world, looting and raping in an almost uncontrolled fashion, becoming all the worst and more terrible the closer they got to German territory

The Russian people were a divided contentious beat down people under Stalin, if the Germans had come as liberators, then all of Russia would have fallen to them without much of a fight. But the gERMANS WERE HARDLY LIBERATORS, they were the sum of all the evil that had ever been, no human living in that time before the germans arrived could phantom just how far the germans would go, how sick and perverted their aims, but they showed this very clearly to the people of the defeated lands, it wasn't long beofe word spread of one Nazi atrocity after another, at first it must have been look upon as skeptical, as propaganda, no people could be so cruel and heartless, this, after all was the 20th century and the German an educated people, but the German came as destroyers, murderes, plunders, they wiped out the Jews, but their bloodlust did not end with them, given an order, the Nazi hordes would murder any populace, all they needed was the command, there would be no disobeying any command no matter how loathsome would be fulfilled. Kill the people in a psychiatric home, or an old age home, all that was needed was the order.They murdered women, children, the elderly, the sick, the disabled, they improvised on the spot to save the most bullets, to the nazi's bullets were more valuable than people, they cared more about their ammunition then the innocent human beings they were butchering, the list of German atrocities still stuns history, and will live forever as an example of the worst human beings are capable of. Little Jewish children were led off into forests, and made to kneel in a perfect way for the german savage to shoot them in the back of the skull, killing them with one bullet, the modern World had never seen such wholesale slaughter and misery, the screams of the innocent totally defenseless against bloody, heartless brutes still echoes to this day.

The Nazi murder camps are infamous and the world learned a new level of perversion and depravity there.

But with all that said, the German women had nothing to do with this. In the spring of 1945 as the most destructive and wide ranging war in history was reaching its bloody conclusion in Europe and all of Hitlers dreams were crumbling into the dust, The Russian Army rather than ending the fear and misery, instead opened up a new chapter of horror onto the world, with an orgy of rape the world had never seen before, most German Women were not just raped but gang-raped, little girls, old women were raped without a shed of mercy, little girls were pulled out from hiding places to be gang raped, many German girls committed suicide after being raped, or killed themselves before it could happen. This incident brings shame on a Russian Army that should have been lauded as liberators.

The Russian Army was led by one of the sickest, heartless human being who ever lived in Joseph Stalin, it is hard to think than any man could be as cruel and evil as Adolf Hitler, but Stalin comes close if not surpasses. A man created and thust into the world without an ounce of compassion in his bones, he gave his troops free reign as they swept through Europe, and the Rape spree acted as a great impetus, armies wanted to be the first to enter new German territory to have their pick of fresh rape victims , as well as steal and loot everything possible. The World had never seen such criminality on such a wide scale. All of it covered up by the press, the Rusian allies could not be shown in a bad light, but for American generals on the ground like Patton, it gave them food for thought, was this what the Russians were all about. Is this how the Russians /communists would behave if unchecked, if heaven forbid they marched into Iowa, the Generals on the spot brought all this info home to the United States and it colored the perception American politicians and Presidents would have of the Russian/communist from that point forward.

The Russians as a people are deep down good people but History teaches, History is the truth, this I can be an example of a Russina Army allowed to sweep Western Europe. The Atomic bomb became the deterrent, the atomic bomb and than the hydrogen bomb became a deterrent to the Russian hoardes. the russian People were good people, but couldn't you have said that about the German people before Hitler. the leader of a country can sway the mind through trick and manipulation.

In the end we must blame Stalin for all this, a man born with as evil a heart that ever existed, it was vindictive payback, not for attacking Russia but for double dealing him, because Hitler stabbed him in the back he would get his revenge. The German populace would pay for making Stalin look like a fool in the Summer of 1941. the Men were already defeated but their women and children would now suffer the price. As troops entered a conquered city, they were given vodka to stir them up, speeches were given to them, they were told and extolled to rape, to make the German women pregnant with Russian babies. It is the policy of the barbarians of the past and Stalin feeling kindred to them embraced it. Stalin could have stopped the rapes with one order, his NKVD troops didn't need much impetus to shoot heir own people anyway, but he let it play out, it gave him satisfaction, he had his own dreams of a World under his thumb, but the United States dashed all that, it stopped him at Berlin

For all the misery inflicted on the World between 1939 and Januarary of 1945. The Spring of 1945 in the lands overrun by the Russian Armies, is one of the saddest and most violent periods in World History, More Women and young girls, committed suicide than in any time in history, and for all the courage the Russians showed in combat, this is a black stain on the reputation of their nation.

And in many ways repudiated the words of Hitler, even though he was psychotic, and set open the path for future conflict. In Europe nothing is forgotten .....ever.


This incident brings shame on a Russian Army that should have been lauded as liberators

The Soviets liberated nothing. Indeed, the whole reason Hitler has a bad name is because when the Germans advanced east, the Eastern Europeans took the opportunity to take their revenge against those (mostly Jews) who collaborated with the Soviets during Holodomor.


"the whole reason"? oy!



A love story..


lucky Russians
