MovieChat Forums > Employee of the Month (2006) Discussion > there's like 8374983720982 twists in thi...

there's like 8374983720982 twists in this movie *spoilers*

I mean, wtf, a bunch of unecessary twists. They should have just ended the movie with the "You burned me, I burn you" twist and it would have kicked ass. Instead, for like 10 minutes this movie shows how the characters screw one another. Total Wild Things rip-off, which also had too many twists, but at least that was a first.

Was a decent dark comedy with a few cliches, but it was still good. One thing that really made me tick was the line the writer(s)decided to steal from Castor Troy in Face/off. "I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave".
That line was untouchable, when I heard it, I was like " this guy serious?". It's like I'm writing a script and then I decide to steal the "I see dead people" line. Very bad stuff stealing.

Aaaanyway. Point being, this had too many crap twists. They should had stopped at the aformentioned.


Yeah, and the lesbian twist was lame.


"One thing that really made me tick was the line the writer(s)decided to steal from Castor Troy in Face/off. "I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave". "

-Eh. You got me. I always stick up for this movie when someone bad mouths it. But this is something I hated in it as well. Damnit, lol!


I've been saying that to my friends about girls (and sometimes I tell the girl . . .) since way before Face/Off. It's a good line and with girls who aren't too uptight, it usually gets a laugh. It doesn't bother me that this movie "re-used" it. I liked their use of it.

Oh, and I'd say that there's only really one twist in this movie . . . it took me about half way through the bank robbery scene to decide Dillon's character must be in on it, and about to trick most of the people he worked with. Everything else is just exploring the implications of working with a team of bank robbers in such a plan. If you plan and carry out a heist, you've got to be a bit ruthless, so I wasn't too surprised when everyone started to die right when the credits were rolling. Plus there's the whole illusion theme. What better way to show that all this stuff around us is illusion than to show the great heist, and then show everyone miss the chance to spend their winnings?

Plus . . . denying every character the money shows no favoritism. They were all kind of bad people who didn't deserve it. And seeing that jaguar hit the front of the bus . . . classic.

Yeah, so I only see one twist. By the time Dillon's character shot the guy in the bank, I expected more people to die. Sure, I didn't see the bank robbery coming before he said, "just when you think things can't get any weirder . . . they do." but it didn't take seeing Steve Zahn saying, "the news is all about hero, hero, hero, nothing about the robbery" to know Dillon's character wasn't dead.

To sum up: the one twist I see is that they planned a bank robbery to take place on the day their inside man got fired (and they planned to get him fired on that day.) all the killing that follows is just the result of this collection of "bad guys" all wanting to screw each other for the money, which shouldn't be unexpected.

Besides, the opening monologue is hilarious, the christmas eve homicide with a butcher knife was a great story, the bit about tryptophan and oxytocin is classic, the prostitute that visits "Charles David Walsh" makes for a very funny scene, and Christina Applegate kisses another hot blonde woman. Oh, and Applegate reading her letter to Dillon in front of her parents . . . oh my god that scene was funny.

This movie re-uses the dental records trick to give a false ID on a body (Whole Nine Yards, and I'm sure other movies), it treads into Office Space's territory with the early bank scenes, it uses the burn victim ploy (Pay It Forward), it puts Matt Dillon into another love triangle involving two lesbians (Wild Things, as someone else mentioned . . . ) and I guess it borrows from Hamlet with everyone dying at the end. Who cares? It was still funny as hell, and at least a bit profound. "Nirvana, baby. Nirvana."


Well at first i felt the same about all the twists going on, but if you think about it for a minute the ending didn't take itself to seriously and it was kind of a farce on all the twist ending *beep* going on nowadays.

I think they saved it with the last shot of the movie(not the fill in running next to the credits, wich was a great idea by the way)

But yeah probably a more fleshed out ending would have made a really good pic instead of a good one.
