Is it true that...

Is it true that men's bodies release sedatives while women's bodies releave stimulents during orgasm? They mentioned that at one part of the movie, and I wondered if it's true.

I know I sure feel tired after masturbating ;-)


Seriously. I'd like to know if that's true.


He talks about tryptophan and oxytocin. I looked them up and it doesn’t seem to be true. Tryptophan is a sedative but it doesn’t have anything to do with the male orgasm. But the things he said about oxytocin has some truth to it except that both men and women have it and it probably won’t get you “high as a japanese kite”.

(I only researched this for five minutes so I might be wrong)


Aha. Duely noted. I was wondering if that was true. Even though you only researched it for 5 minutes, I'll take that as true. Anyway, it makes sense that that character would make something up like that, since he was kind of a nutcase.
