Who is the hero? SPOILER ALERT
Never heard of this one, just happened to pick it up in the local video store. Enjoyed it, in a few years it may even be hailed as one of those little known cult classics.
The first thing that shocked me in the movie was the really old chunky mobile phone used by Steve Zahn's character Jack (he gets a call from David Walsh - Matt Dillon's character).
I liked the way the plot eventually picks up the pace and gathers momentum until the crazy (but predictable) ending, it pays to sit through the credits.
I would have liked to have seen the boss at the bank getting more of a come-uppance than a couple of cuffs to the face. Such a prize jerk should have been stripped naked, coated in honey then inverted over an ants nest with tight clothes pegs on his private bits, and some public humiliation thrown in!
The one heroic deed in this story is when David helps out the desperate wife of a bad credit risk by granting her loan against bank policy (he then sticks it to the bank by adding a few zeros to the end of her account balance).