Horribly Bad Film...

Rented this last year, really like Matt Dillon usually so was looking forward to it. Boy was I disappointed - what an awful film, I didn't even finish watching it. None of it (at least until the point I watched) was interesting or made any sense. The crazy, angry friend character (Steve Zahn?) was just stupid and boring. He wasn't funny, he wasn't interesting, he wasn't scary - he was just annoying and you wanted him off the screen as quickly as possible.

Can't imagine any number of plot twists redeeming this pile of crud. Uggh!

Now if you want a great twisty plot with Matt Dillon, rent "Wild THings" - excellent!


This thread should have been called Horribly Bad Taste... :p





No he's right this movie is horribly bad, so are all the other movies that try and be dark and original but just end up being trash; This for example, Big Nothing and Drop Dead Sexy are all really horrible movies with really good casts. Everybody who likes this movie is in denial because you guys liked the cast or something but not even the great Steve Zahn could save this P.O.S. Have a great day.

I could die right now, Clem. I'm just... happy. I've never felt that before.


HAHAHA. I agree. I cant believe someone can say it was a bad movie. I love it. It's one of the very few DVDS i treasure. Good storyline, some great lines and life lessons in there, and the ending blew me away, i totally wasn't expecting that. And I love how David Walsh was so likeable yet so unlikeable at the same time.


I really liked Jack's character

The ending was cool, you really should have had seen the ending.

No way someone on this PLANET can guess the ending.
Amazing twist


Give me break... you liked jack's character? man that guy was annoying... what a bad movie is this, it was like that movie 'Revolver'. People said it was really surprising and deep but really it was just *beep* *beep* *beep*


I agree that he was annoying sometimes, but that's what made him interesting.

He was unconventional, and said some smart things like that bit in which he criticized people that wore suits, that was funny.

It's not a AMAZING movie, but it is funny and entertaining. The plot is nicely put together.


I agree. His friend was so 2D - But thats what made him a great character. Hollywood writers are always trying to get deep characters. But this one was so diff, that he was great.


I love his humor. His off the wall humor, that realy didn't fit with anyone else in the entire movie. He's like that friend that you have in high school, that you really got along with well, yet you don't wanna bring him around any of your new friends, because he hasn't matured at all. You still love his humor, and want to act like that, but just can't.


Yeah, having an ending which then consists of a bunch of cut-scenes which were the "clues" that might have helped you guess isn't really all that clever. It's just a pretty weak gimmick to make you think a movie was a lot more clever than it was.

This movie bored me to tears and the ending only made me roll my eyes.


I liked it....?


dude. you have to see the whole movie for it to make sense. i know it's a bit of a gamble to spend two hours watching a movie, you know, it might be bad. but seriously, don't b!tch about the movie if you haven't seen it. and yea jack was irritating/annoying, but that's the point. he's a twisted f@ck and that's his character.

we can't stop here, this is bat country.



these post are just a reminder to me why i dont bother posting if a movie is good or not... you all are like 5 year olds fighting over candy...


you couldn't be more right

i agree with you entirely

we can't stop here, this is bat country.


Let me get this straight?

1: You rented a film?
2: Which had your most liked actor in it?
3: You never finished it?

The whole point in this movie is the end you dick!!!
Well, obviously not the whole point, but the rest of the movie is a lead up to the end!

You can not judge a film by its first 10 mins, first hours or anything, you can only judge the entire thing.

No hard feelings sport, but watch the whole *beep* movie. You will not be angered.


couldnt watch this movie. I liked Matt Dillon in One Night at McCool's and wanted to see another movie with him. man this movie was bad. it starts with a hard to believe a scene, a drunkard in a bus sitting next to Matt's character, i said, this is stupid, but i'll give it another chance, then that annoying friend of him pops out of the bush acting sh!tty and saying nothing interesting. then the scene where they're talking on the phone and a guy in flames runs across the screen got me "whooot? what kinda movie is this ?" then whomever did this movie decided it is entertaining to see some deadbodies and i stopped watching. i will look after other movies starring Matt Dillon. how do they expect me to sit watching the movie to the end when it starts so bad ?


Ok this movie was very disappointing! The end was awesome, but does it justify such a poor beginning and middle? No.


This is interesting. There are four reactions to the movie:

1. The whole thing sucked
2. The first 90% was good, the last 10% sucked
3. The first 90% sucked and the last 10% was good.
4. The whole thing was good.

I am in group two, although I don't think ending sucked. The ending was a little much for me, but I could live with it.

I definitely don't regret watching it. I liked Zahn's lines and Matt Dillon sold it the whole way.

Basically, you get two movies. The one you watch for 90 minutes or so and the one you realize you were watching at the end.

I don't think I have ever seen a movie that created both reaction two and reaction three. People disagree about the endings of movies or the movie as a whole. But rarely do the flip-flop like this. I guess some people would have liked the drama without the twist and some people live for the twist.


i just saw this movie last night, and i didn't think it was that bad. actually, i thought it was pretty funny... maybe that's just because i work in a bank!

i liked the ending, even though it was a bit much. i think it would have been better if the chicks had gotten away.


how does one get off panning this without seeing the entire film, especially the credits? this was a nihlist work of black art.


*spoiler only for another movie, Sixth Sense, in this comment*

I just watched Employee of the Month tonight on IFC and I'm really surprised at how many people on this board like it -- I'm ready to give it a Golden Turkey award. What am I missing?

I did not find any humor, nor an unexpected plot twist (admittedly perhaps because I'm of the generation that grew up watching Twilight Zone every week -- a few minutes into Sixth Sense I turned to my compadres and said, "has anyone in this room not yet figured out that the guy is dead?"). I found all the characters dark and dislikeable, although I usually love Zahn.

Someone tell me what to look for and I'll give it a second watch -- maybe I'm missing something.


I also watched it last nite on IFC, I came on here to see what people's reactions would be. Black comedies are supposed to have dark and dislikable characters, weren't you relieved to see them all get what was coming in the end? Spotty acting, lazy writing, mildly enjoyable. If you like Steve Zahn, go see Rescue Dawn ... terrific.


It was what it was.

* * out of * * * *

a fair film.

Kemuel franklyn Butler


This film started off curiously enough, but by the time the 'fat guy' friend character shows up it turned all sort of messy. I believe the 'spotty writing' observation is correct by a previous poster. After that, the scenes grew so one-dimensional in structure, that I was just pleading for some of these trite character to suddenly burst into flames (Zahn, the hotel girl).

By the way, what's with Zahn's character? His writing tries to be 'edgy' but why does he seem so uninteresting? It's such a bad film presence, you really want his scenes to end quickly. Remember the scene where they're talking in the strip club bathroom? Dillon washed his faced ten times awhile Zahn fidgeted around yelling some stuff for eight minutes, all of about 5% incorporated into some kind of logistics to the plot.

Dillon's character is passable at time, then goes down with the ship with some of the crap characters.



Wow dude, you lick balls. Jack was awesome. Plus, by not watching the whole movie you totally screwed yourself. The last 15 minutes are amazing. Don't say stupid things about a movie you haven't even completely watched.
