MovieChat Forums > Employee of the Month (2006) Discussion > Of course it's horrible Jessica Simpson ...

Of course it's horrible Jessica Simpson DUHHHHHHHH

Why do movie companies shove airhead singers down our throat and pass them off as actor's when truth be told they can hardly read. Anyone see her rehearsing for and audtion in a limo. It was laughable. She either has dyslexia or sheer stupidity going in the reading dept. She reads like a kindergartner only they are probably better. Why do they keep shoving her into films and stuffing her down our throats. When any unknown with a year or two of acting class under her belt could have done a better job. A styrofoam cup could have done a better job than the pea brained Jessica Simpson. O remember the stories a while back about her being in Mensa...Somebody show me the papers on that. She is the greatest fraud in the whole dumbing down of America conspiracy to date.


wrong movie. now whos the airhead?


"f@cking A" dude, if you're going to complain about stupid people in stupid movies, don't be stupid and complain in a message board for the WRONG MOVIE!!


"a styrofaom cup could have done a better job than" you at READING THE DATE AFTER THE TITLE!! OR CHECKING THE CAST!!!

are you "in mensa"?

i hope not

maybe you need to sign up for "a year or two of" reading/deduction/perception(gotta get every possible solution in there) "school"

maybe with that "under your belt" you "could have done a better job" at
b!tching about the right movie.

either you have "dyslexia or sheer stupidity in the reading dept."

you "read like a kindergartner only they are probably better" at picking the right movie to complain about.

why do you "keep shoving yourself down our throats" in all of these message boards?

you are now officially a citizen of "dumbed down America"

congratulations airhead.

in case you didn't notice i just turned almost every one of your insults against you, not because i am defending jessica simpson (i can't stand to even look at her), but because you are an idiot.

i thought i'd point that out because you might not have noticed it as you didn't notice the date or the cast of the movie you're complaining about

if you want to complain learn how first

we can't stop here, this is bat country.


you are cruel, what does it matter which message board. i have a life, not the time to be anal rententive about leaving comments woopdee dooooooooooo

get a life, and if it's making fun of erroneous message posts on this website, i feel for yah :)

love, Jesus Christ


i know i can be cruel

it may be a flaw, i'm not sure though

but i'd like to get a life and i'm working on it

but until then i'll just make fun of idiots

rofl rofl rofl

we can't stop here, this is bat country.



yea it pisses me off sometimes but i love it too anyways

we can't stop here, this is bat country.


Lmao I think this made my day!


Sad but true!


so my cruelty does do some good

we can't stop here, this is bat country.


Holy cock! You people are as stupid for flaming him as he is for posting that here! It was obviously an honest mistake! If you'll recall, there is another movie that came out recently by the same name, with Jessica Simpson in it!

Jessica Simpson is ugg.

"It doesn't feel right to shoot an unarmed man... but I'll get over it."


there's a two year difference

and when you search for a movie it tells you when the movie came out

and before you can get to the message boards you have to see the main page of the movie, on which it states the actors and actresses therein.

he had to make several mistakes to get to the message boards, then he had the nerve to start a new thread.

one "honest" mistake is one thing, several is a whole new beast.

we can't stop here, this is bat country.




it's my only entertainment. lol.

we can't stop here, this is bat country.


If the Morons in Hollywood would learn to come up with some form of unique name (the Simpson movie which rips this films title off) none of this would happen, the brainless, talentless, dickless idiots can't seem to form original thoughts.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
- Norman MacFinan


it's true. there is nothing good that comes out of hollywood. they suck. and then they have the nerve to use the title of a good movie as the title of one of their *beep* ones. raaawwRWRR!!

we can't stop here, this is bat country.


Sodium, you seem to have anger problems.
Also way too much time on your hands.
Your reaction to a harmless mistake tells me you must be a joy to be around.
There are better ways to spend a life.


yeah i'm a bit of a dick. for some reason though stupid mistakes have always irritated me more than big ones. had this been posted on a movie that was completely unrelated i would've said wtf and moved on. you probably understand it as well as i do. and i'm more of a dick on the computer because people are a lot harder to understand when they're typing because they're idiots and don't know how to express themselves clearly without spellcheck. and i feel the need to point that out every chance i get for some reason.

give me something to do with my life and i will.

we can't stop here, this is bat country.


lol Ha I think you're funny, plus the OP must be a hypocrite if they think that its rude for ppl to talk bad about them on a message board even though that is what they were doing. I don't like Jessica Simpson either I just thought that I'd point that out.


haha thanks. somebody's on my side. =)

we can't stop here, this is bat country.


Both movies were terrible.



"in case you didn't notice i just turned almost every one of your insults against you, not because i am defending jessica simpson (i can't stand to even look at her), but because you are an idiot."

That totally made me fall out of my chair! Thanks for that!


almost a year later and people are still praising me for it.

we can't stop here, this is bat country.


Wow, sodium! You really like the smell of your own farts, don't you? The fact is, you really have nothing to be proud of. You wasted a ton of time posting large thought-out insults, and no one cares. You're a loser and a jackass.


LMAO!! Rhodes Scholar my arse.


nice pwned himself.

nothing to see here folks, good day:)
