I just got finished watching it on IFC. Granted I don't think it was a masterpiece but it was amusing and nowhere near as bad as what some people are making it out to be. I think getting pissed off at the ending like some of you are is a bit childish. So what if it was twisty for twisty's sake, it was still fun to watch. Don't take sh!t so seriously people, you'll be happier in life.
I was kinda turned off by the ending, but overall I enjoyed the movie as a whole.
Especially since it was a movie I just happen to stumble upon by channel surfing. - I thought it was the Dane Cook movie, but decided to watch it since Dillon, Appelgate, and Zaun was in it.
I like twisted comedies like this - It's right up there with "Drowning Mona" and "One Night at McCool's"
"And what was it last time? Didn't know what the box was?" - The Female Cenobite in Hellbound
im with you guys, i dont understand the hatred for it. it was well made, funny, had good dialog, and just enough violence and sick humor to make better than just good.
as for the ending, the movie would have sucked with out the the twisted ending. thats what made it awesome.
It's like WIld Things it is good to watch once or twice when you don't know or forget all the twists. And I think reason it gets so much is because people just seem to like movies with twists anymore. I think it is because most of the time people just want the entire plot handed to them on a silver platter. This is due in part to the fact that people are so used to having things spoiled for them on the internet. Either some jack ass spreads the ending on well known site or the people look the ending up themselves.
I thought the ending was great! I'm biased, this is one of my favorite films and the ending goes a long way towards that. The ending is a fitting conclusion to the overall hastiness and unpredictability of the film. Not to mention the "double lives" type effect going on throughout the movie in various forms. Here are some:
-one lifestyle (rich, refined) inside the engagement party, one outside (Jack peeing in the fountain) -while getting fired, the film jumpcuts to Walsh pulling the gun, then back -two nearly identical guys that Jack plays TV trivia with -stripper having a boyfriend she loves yet also continuing to push for sexual acts with Walsh -Walsh being involved with both Wendy and Sara -"perfect" life/day turning into day from hell
There are more.
My point is that such dynamics are a fitting buildup to the ending of everyone being not what they seem. The betrayal/callousness between pairs of friends, Wendy and Sara being lovers in cahoots, it all fits together.
Another big one that culminates is the religious musings going on turn into a complete showcase of naturalism - people dying (and their faces etc being shown for all to see), Jack's coroner "friend" looking down on those who were not fit enough to survive and the ultimate random moment at the end, the 'fit' ones being hit by a bus and killed.
This film is a diamond in the rough.
Believe and be saved! Don't rely on what YOU do for God - rely on what HE did for YOU.
I liked it although the twisty ending is a bit too much. However, I did not know this movie until I found it almost by accident in a rental store. For far as I was concerned, Employee Of The Month was some lame comedy with Jessica Simpson and Dane Cook. If people are saying bad things about Employee Of The Month, a lot of them are probably talking about that other movie that came out two years later and is much more well known.
It started out all alright, was pretty funny with Steve Zahn in his typical goofball criminal/druggy role, but the ending had more twists than a J. Lee Thompson film. And with every single protagonist/antagonist dying at the end, it made for one of the worst endings in film history, even for a comedy.
The only reason I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 maybe was because Mitch Rouse was in my favorite episode ever on SWC (The Trip Back), plus he is usually a good comedic writer overall- and with addition of a cameo by stepdad-Stew from my second favorite episode of SWC, Feather in the Storm. Also Dave Folly- yeah, another hilarious Comedy Central gem. In fact, if it weren't for all the above cast being involved, I'd have given it a zero if there was a possibility. Just a horrid, horrid ending with too many outragous twists, considering it came from some of the best comedic writers of this generation.
This movie lacked any form of context. It's as if the writers wrote a guy whose life sucked but could not do more with it so they lifted the basic premise from Wild Things, and cast Matt Dillon to make up for a crap plot.
The protagonist's life sucks, even though he kept planning an escape? He hated his wife and cheated on her with no remorse, yet his narration, behavior, etc. gave the vibe that he regretted it and truly loved his wife. The twists would have made sense but the character's behaviors and narration implied something else to the point where the twist was totally unexpected.