MovieChat Forums > Employee of the Month (2006) Discussion > Why the constant drinking of the fictiti...

Why the constant drinking of the fictitious 'Durstin Gold' beer?

The beer the characters are constantly drinking is "Durstin Gold". Apparently it is a Hollywood prop and not a real brand of beer.

My question: Is there a possible reason why they made such an emphasis on the beer drinking? Was it because they probably had a real brand of beer lined up for the movie but was called off at the last minute? The Sprite scene at the end is a good reference for this theory.


All of the characters in Pulp Fiction smoke "Red Apple" Cigarettes, a fake brand make up by Quentin Tarintino for the movie so I'm assuming that directors take this liberty when they don't want to be accused of blatant product placement.


I always drink Durstin Gold when I'm at my favorite gin joint.

Love's turned to lust and blood's turned to dust in my heart.


It's a movie. Who cares.
