For the Reviewer saying how fake this is
Let me point out a few things...
"The invisiblemonkey" left a reveiw titled "Its Awesome, better than the first one, but some of it is fake" as some of you most likely saw, his facts seem a bit messed up, allow myself to reply to some of his statements.
I love the CKY DVDs, they are hilarious.
KM: True...
But its all acting, and set up situations.
KM: What is your proof?
Like the football hitting the car.. those people are acting.
KM: How do you know exactly? were you one of them?
The sh*t dollar... did you notice how fake the guys reactions were, over acting? And he never returned to the ATM machine to get his money.
KM: Yea, that fake was pretty pissed. If he was a real guy he would have gone back to get his money with crap on his hands, and they wouldnt have paid him 100$ to sign a release form. Would you go back to get your money if you had crap on your fingers?
Some of the stunts they do, that dont really involve people are real, like when Rab walked up to the window and did his business on the window. that was funny and disgusting at the same time.
KM: it was funny and disgusting, but that hardly tells me that the people in the window were fake. You dont even have an actual reason to how this could be fake.
Oh and the scene in the parking lot at night where that one dude beat up the parking lot attendant was faked.
KM: "That one dude" is Mike Vallely, And that "faked" stunt got him put in jail. must have been a good actor, that parking lot attendant guy, to convince the police to arrest Mike after pretending to beat him up.
Bam sets up the camera in order to get a shot of himself saying, "Why would you say NO after it was already done?" in CKY2 or 3.
KM: you further make yourself look like an expert on CKY by stating you dont even know which CKY this scene is from, and you dont even get the quote right. Bam says "Why would you say DONT if it ALREADY HAPPENED?" and he was referring to the "official knockout by random hero" (Ryan Dunn) where some stupid girl says "no, dont!" after the KO was already made. obviously, Bam thought it would be funny to point out the obvious of some twits stupid comment ;)
And in the car you can see Bam holding the camera up making sure to have everybody in the frame.
KM: Its called filming. He did use a video camera, or, is it a fake video camera? I dunno, you seem to know eveything about the movies. IF I were making a movie id try to get everyone in the picture too that needed to be there.
Its a great set of DVDs and I cant wait for more, but be aware its not all as real as they want you to believe it is.
KM: you know what, you might be right, not all this stuff is real, however, you dont know that for a fact, you dont know alot of the things you said, so, honestly, why bother making them up? I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I must disagree with what you are saying. you cant "know" anything, nor can I, I migth be wrong I suppose, but dont tell facts that you have no proof of bud.
This reveiw of yours is an opinion, not fact.