Does Julian Clegg...

Remind anyone else of Dumbo? Seriously, someone should text in "God Julian's ears are HUGH!" tonight...

Cordelia: You're not him Angel, you're not Angelus...
Angelus: Guess again!



Yeah, he really irritates me, that goofy smile he does makes me want to hit him!

Cordelia: You're not him Angel, you're not Angelus...
Angelus: Guess again!


bit harsh. He is harmless. Plus I crack up when his face appears on screen.


He reminds me of some kind of goblin.


Yeah, I guess it is kinda harsh but... Atleast I'm honest!

Floyd, dude, I never realised that till you mentioned, now I really see it!!

Cordelia: You're not him Angel, you're not Angelus...
Angelus: Guess again!


That guy is such a fag!

I'm a "fag" too.

Do you have a problem with gay people? And I don't think Julian is gay. As you know, we fags can always tell, and Julian doesn't blip my fag finding gaydar.

Formerly Known As David-Indiana On IMDb


I personally don't have a problem with gay people. But I do like the word "fag" also, plus it's just because it started being used as a derogatry word for gay people that we adopted it here.


Whenever they say "Julian Clegg", as soon as they get as far as "Julian Cl-" I always think they're going to say Julian Clary, without fail.

He should do the interactive stuff next live show. - My Comic. Go on, click it!


Ahhhh- leave him alone, he is really nice. We met him at St Georges Hall on thursday and he took the time to chat to people and pose for photos.

"There is nothing better in life than writing on the sole of your slipper with a biro" HMHB


Why wouldn't he stop and chat, or pose for photos? It's not like he's Arnold Schwarzenegger - Julian taking a photo with a fan, is almost to the same standard as me taking a photo with a fan...

Cordelia: You're not him Angel, you're not Angelus...
Angelus: Guess again!


I know he isnt that famous but thats not my point. He just came across as a decent bloke. It doesnt matter how famous someone is, its no justification for being up your own ar*e! The annoying thing is with a lot of "celebs" is that once theyve been on telly for five minutes they seem to come all over primadonna :)

"There is nothing better in life than writing on the sole of your slipper with a biro" HMHB


yes i agree, we came into the store i work in not so long ago and was very charming.
