Lets be honest

While this program used to be spooky, regardless of whether you believe or not, it has long outlived its lifespan, each season promises more and ups the stakes, but in the process just goes to show there is an element of fraud to the show.

Examples I hear you cry?

Dereks rubbish posessions.

David Wells - this was the point I decided the show was fake. I remember an episode where he was sat in a room with a mirror and cloth conveniently placed on the table. During his 'vigil' a voice told him to smash the mirror over his head. Lucky for him it was wrapped in a cloth so as to not damage his pampererd forehead. Nice scream for dramatic effect too.

Idiotic studio crew - amongst the most stupid ticker tapes or read outs ever have to be 'Mary from (wherever) says everytime the team mention a farm, she thinks of emmerdale.


'Josephine from (wherever) thinks the team are going to encounter a Rupert DeBoeur'.

Karls funny turns - oh I feel all strange, but first I'll go quiet for a minute to make people think I've been possessed or something. No, I've chickened out of doing the possession, I'll just act dizzy/light headed instead.

'Did you hear that?' Shut it Yvette - 'can you make a sound please?'. Every little creak and fart is a ghost communicating with them via the art of creating natural ambience. Apparantly.

Karl - 'I've just summoned satan and all his minions and they appeared in front of me and Stu'. Did you catch it on any of those cameras that you carry around and are pemanantly switched on to capture such occurences? 'No'.

But the biggest one for me is the mediums, the people employed by the show for their unique gift of communicating with the dead, are the ones who *beep* a brick the most when theres a noise. Might as well employ Oda May Brown and be done with it.

You two donkey dicks couldnt get laid in a morgue.


I love you



What are you doing here? I came to the most haunted bored..I mean board, to get away from you and your inane google-worthy questions.

You two donkey dicks couldnt get laid in a morgue.


Im obsessed with ya. Thats all. I miss our chats, lovingly looking into each others eyes. Wondering when you was going to make your move and deciding when to pounce on ya and ride that cock til the cows came home.

