MovieChat Forums > Most Haunted (2002) Discussion > Ghost Adventures kicks this show sideway...

Ghost Adventures kicks this show sideways!

Way way superior show in every department! No screaming idiots, faking mediums, and plenty EVP recording, imaging, sensors, tech equipment... to capture something!!

MH is stoneage by comparisson.


It is

I love Ghost Adventures which I only got into the other month.
Livingit are now showing season 1 again which is very handy and I like to record the show to.

MY Forum < >


What do you mean "No screaming idiots"? There were three in the centre of my screen last time I watched it. (Sorry, I've not taken my medicine...)

Stone-age it may be, but it is the only regular televised local ghost hunt that the UK has.

I bet that if Ciaran suggested EVP recorders, someone from the team would say "Are you trying to show us up?"

Don't get me wrong Most Haunted is entertaining enough, but I don't believe for one second that all, or even most, of the things they catch are paranormal. Oh, Antix will tell you to question everything, but they don't react well to people who have the audacity to question them.

One more thing, the team's relationships with their mediums is all 'they're our best friends' while they are on the team, but as soon as they leave it's "well, they're all fake anyway". A little ungrateful/ingracious if you ask me.

Otherwise known as BurningTorch.
