This show has been cancelled! At least, in my home it is.
See how you read that title and probably thought the show had been taken off the air? But that's not really what I meant, was it?
I guess I took advantage of your trust, to lie to you, without actually telling you what you need to know to form an honest opinion.
Sound familiar? That's exactly what these hysterical morons do, every time you watch the show. They lie to you!
Did you know that Karl is Yvette's husband? Did you know that Derek Acorah was exposed as a fraud FIVE YEARS AGO, in national headlines all over Europe? You'd never know it, if you live in the U.S.
Wikipedia is a terrific source of information about the many instances of fakery and cheap tricks used by Yvette and her accomplices. Youtube, as well. In fact, one of my favorites is a video clip posted by someone who simply pointed his vidcam at his TV, and the show's own commercial clearly shows someone kicking over some pots and pans, and then screaming as though "ghosts" were attacking her!
Watch for yourself: (There are other versions of that same clip - among hundreds of other examples - but I really like the simplicity of that guy's clip. I had to watch it a couple of times to see what he was referring to, but once you see it...
I'll stick with Ghost Hunters. At least they're trying to discover the truth, not hurling childish obscenities into the dark and holding bogus "seances."
By the way, since I'm probably not coming back to this board, here's Harry Houdini's method for impromptu "table levitation:" Slip off your belt and wrap it around your arm, right above the elbow. Attach a wire, twine or shoelace to the belt (the buckle-holes make it easy) so the end comes to your palm, then knot both ends of the twine/wire. Then put your coat back on.
Prior to placing your fingertips atop the table, feel under the edge "just to make sure everything is solid." At that point, there are a number of ways to attach the twine/wire to the table. (Houdini used coat-hanger wire, and merely bent it to grab the edge of the table.) Since the wire or twine protrudes so slightly from your cuff, no one will ever see it. I hope I've explained that clearly enough that you can imagine how easily someone could attach a wire or twine to the underside of a tabletop, yet have their fingertips barely touching the surface. The weight of the table is borne by the belt around your arm, with the twine or wire providing control of the tension.