Have they actually EVER caught anything on camera?
I watch this show all the time, and while orbs are fun and all, it'd be nice to see something. I'd settle for a bleeping shadow.
shareI watch this show all the time, and while orbs are fun and all, it'd be nice to see something. I'd settle for a bleeping shadow.
shareNo,because there is no such thing as ghosts,spirits,orbs,etc.
Does whatever a Spider-Pig does.
Lookout he is a Spider-Pig.
Honestly, this isn't a board for argueing, tehre's a million boards for that. I just want to know if they've ever caught anything more then just an orb.
In the earlier seasons they caught a bed moving on its own and in season 1 a trigger object (as cross on a piece of paper) was caught moving on a locked off camera. Those are the only ones i remember.
There was also the barrel in the Brewery which rolled around on its own... season 5 or 6.
Once a head was filmed walking by a window by a locked off camera in a closed off area I think
-But you've never killed before
-stop me in the middle if I'm doing it wrong
if a ghost has been caught and proved undisputably as a ghost it whould make every news chanel in the world so no they not caught anything
If you hate it so much, why are you on here commenting about it?
'Everyone relax. I'm here' - Jack Burton
i dont hate the show.
im just saying that its fake and answering the guys question. if they did catch a real ghost it whould be on every news chanel in the world. and as an after thought it whould turn into big bussnes ppl speeking to dead relativs without being ripped off by scam artists . police could solve every unsolved murder. we could talk to historical figurs like nostradamas,jesus and mohamed. jack the ripper`s identaty could be found out by talking to his victims.i do beleve in ghosts because weird *beep* has happend to me.im not religious at all i dont belive in god or satan and im open minded but this is bull and the board is for likes and dislikes. i watched last nights and its not changed my mind. anything that happend was off camera like everything in the basment with the pots and knives we saw nothing.they sacked deric/or he walked because he whouldnt sensationalise dramatise it more than it was. the show is good for entertainment but nothing more (ghosts need lungs to whistle. try whistling whithout breathing air)
They've not caught anything on camera. The content and realism of the show is subjective but is damn good entertainment (which is why you probably watched the last five nights from beginning to end). If all the action happens off camera, there is very little they can do about it. How would the ghosts appearing on screen solve anything? anything can be faked nowadays - they can't win.
For the sceptic - no evidence is real, for the believer - no evidence is necessary. For me, I watch it simply to be entertained. I believe it is not faked, over-dramatised on occasion in order to keep an audience interested, but not faked.
'Everyone relax. I'm here' - Jack Burton
yeah it is entertainment. they have 4 cameras and the main camera but nothing is ever seen on camera even when the camera covers the whole room.like last night the sound guy got pushed into the pots but we saw nothing because the camera went off and switched to the basment cam and everything happening wasjust out of sight. there proberly has been some wierd stuff happning in some epps.ive done oji boards back in the 80s with friends during the miners strike and it said my mate whould be hit by a truck. 1 month later we were pinching coal from the train yard and a coal truck smaked into him luckly he didnt go under the the thing and lucky aswell it was just rolling not atached to a train. is it coincadence and someone was moving the glass or did a ghost tell us. and it knew things no one else whould know. so i do belive in ghosts but undisputable proof whould need lincons ghost walking into the whitehouse witnest by every news station or henry the 8th walking thro the wall at buckinham palace seen by millions lol its the same with aliens ppls veiws are the same with that as with ghosts.i belive in both theres billions of galexys with billions of planets in these galexys why whould we be the only 1 with life?:)
During last nights episode when Stuart attacked Karl, he threw him into Jeff the cameraman, and that is when the picture cut as it most likely pulled a wire out, it was ages before they had it working again.
I can't remember which series it was, or the location, but Karl and Stuart did catch a chair moving on its own on camera.
There has been alot of other phenomenon, things moving etc, (cribs being rocked, electical interference, things being thrown etc) but thats down to whether you believe the room it happened in was empty or if you think someone intentionally did it. Like the door falling over on the second night.
I agree with a previous poster, I don't think the show is faked, but can be over-dramatised at times!
And David Wells is so much more genuine than Derek ever was!!
i've seen plenty caught on camera, actually
they've had alot of sceances when tables have hovered in mid air
What,please give examples??????
basically from my point of view, i believe there are ghosts out there, for those who are believers, don't let those who say there is no such thing, don't let that put you off, you believe in what you want to believe in, you only believe in what you see.
Roy Walker: "Say what you see, if you see it, say it"
I think it's interesting that 50% of the time the people we see on the tele, see something and then swing the camera to where it was they saw it and it is gone.
the other 50 percent is for when they are too busy being scared and running for their lives to hold the camera steady to capture the proof. (this is where ghosthunters are better-- they do a lot of motionless cameras.)
It doesn't make any sense to say "I believe in ghosts, but Most Haunted is fake!"
If you believe in ghosts, then you'd agree that ALL the places they visited are actually haunted. If they were to spend 24 hours in a haunted location then of course they are going to catch real footage. Think about it! It's not like as soon as the team shows up everything settles.
Besides, they have Ciaran O'Keefe who himself has admitted very strange things happening that he himself can't explain. If MH was lying, he certainly wouldn't be discrete.
I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger.
Yes, well good riddance to Acorah, he's no longer part of the show, they have (had) the fantastic David Wells.
I believe in ghosts because they have proved their existence to me. Don't try that whole "Maybe there's a logical explanation." There is none,so don't waste your time with that question. I know what I've seen and what it really is.
I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger.
Why is it out of the 6 000 000 000 people on this planet,not 1 person has been able to conclusively prove the existence of ghosts?
"As soon as your eyes shut,I'm going to punch you square in the face"
"Why is it out of the 6 000 000 000 people on this planet,not 1 person has been able to conclusively prove the existence of ghosts?"
Because no matter what you show a skeptic, they will always give ANY explanation except one based in the paranormal.
The existence of ghosts is everywhere, it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Their time doesn't coincide with ours so it makes it even more difficult.
Just you wait, one day soon the existence of ghosts will be proven to the world.
I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger.
What do ghosts do with their time??Haunting 24/7 must be boring.
"As soon as your eyes shut,I'm going to punch you square in the face"
Derek was no fake, just more flashy and showy than Wells, I believe it's basically his way of reassuring people there really is life after death. And yes, they've caught plenty of apparitions and orbs of course, but for some reason they catch very few EVPs - it's the total opposite with Ghost Hunters.
shareThere was one episode I remember in which they were filming a fireplace (I think) and a pretty clear apparition passed the camera. I don't remember what episode it was, but it was back in 2005 some time.