i just got around to watching tell no one last night. i live in a town where foreign or non mainstream cinema is hard to come across so it took until i stumbled on it on dvd. just noticed there is a listing for tell no one 2011, listed as only on imdbpro. quick look on google says it's the same plot, a remake, i assume, in english. anyone know the details?
Wikipedia says Miramax bought the rights to a remake. I'm getting sick of this crap, the film is brilliant and already movie studios are trying to cash in on the laziness of the public who downright refuse to watch anything that involves a little reading. Those people deserve to miss out, stop encouraging their idiocy.
$10 bucks says that some executive decides the plot is too complex for American audiences and will change it so that the hero is Schizophrenic & is also the villain.
Dudes. Hollywood has been recycling scripts since the era of silent films. This is nothing new. Follow the money. They will recycle a script or do a remake whenever they believe it is commercially viable to do so. That's the only consideration at work. If they make a remake of this it'll be because they believe they can make more money from it. And they're probably right. This is a good little movie in many ways, mainly because the cast in it is very good and very attractive, but it is poorly written. As another poster noted in another thread there are huge plot holes. In a mystery suspense like this it is a good thing to have twists, turns, and a circuitous plot. But not when there a humongous plot holes. The viewer has trouble distinguishing between plot twists and plot holes. By the end you're just glad it's over so the confusion stops. Here's hoping that when they rewrite this they do it a little tighter.
Sorry, but the plot is neither confusing, nor full of holes. Nothing wrong with the writing or the plot, and if you think an American remake will fix any imagined problems, you're crazy. Hollywood remakes of foreign films less than 5 years after the original release should not be made.
I'm getting sick of this crap, the film is brilliant and already movie studios are trying to cash in on the laziness of the public...
And the laziness and inability (?) of Hollywood to come up with ideas themselves. Less of the coke sniffing is called for maybe and more getting involved in the creative thinking process. Plus a turning down of the egos.
France's film industry appears to be fairly vibrant with some good/very good films coming out of it. And all that done on budgets that would just pay for the catering on Hollywood movies.
edit: Oh yeah, forgot to say, terrific movie, this. At least 9/10.
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If there was EVER a film that needed a remake it is Tell No One. While the effort is there, this film falls enormously short of the tension that is aroused in the book that Harlan Coben penned.
While a lot of books are characterized as page turners, I have never read a book quite so appropriate to that description. The chase scene alone - which in the film pales in comparison to the book - is riveting. And the characters in the film are woefully inadequate. Not because the acting is bad, but because - and I don't know why Coben insisted on this, but he did - the setting is simply all wrong. Trust me, if you haven't read the book you simply don't understand how wrong the setting is and how much an improvement it would be to place the film in the book's setting as written. It makes all the difference in the world.
Do yourself a favor and go to the library and get a copy of the book. It's a quick read mainly because you can't put the damn thing down. I read the book first, gave it to my wife, she inhaled it, and we were so looking forward to the movie because, frankly, we like French cinema (just saw I've Loved You So Long and enjoyed it). But Tell No One wasn't gritty enough, it wasn't authentic enough, the characters lacked...what?...a certain je ne sais quoi.
Read the book and pray for a remake. I wouldn't hazard a guess as to what actors might be right for the several parts, but it could be a star-filled turn.
If there was EVER a film that needed a remake it is Tell No One. While the effort is there, this film falls enormously short of the tension that is aroused in the book that Harlan Coben penned.
Not having read the book, I can only say that the film worked for me and exceedingly well at that. It may not be 'as good as the book' (or as authentic) but then few films ever are which is due to the restrictions of putting several hundred pages of written words on to celluloid. Film is a different medium from books, it's as simple as that.
People who have see "the film of the book" invariably have quibbles.
So, wait...the film being remade is bad, especially by Americans, because, as nearly everyone here is stating, they're unoriginal and lazy...despite the fact that the film is based on an American novel to begin with?
People haven't been saying that Americans are bad. Rather that Hollywood is often pretty lame (although it certainly has its moments) and assumes that Americans are all lazy and/or stupid.
They aren't saying Americans are bad, but they make awful remakes with simple endings, a good example being The Vanishing, Hollywood wrecked that making a happy ending for American audiences as opposed to the spine chilling end of the European one.
Maybe you felt that the film lacked tension because you'd read the book and knew how things happened...that's got to influence the way you watched the film. I saw it not having read the book and felt all the suspense, thank you very much.
Same thing goes for the setting. I sometimes wondered how things were in the American original, but only out of curiosity.
Just watched it on Netflix. I never read the book, and I had no expectations. I thought it was a really good film, but I found myself second guessing some of the choices of the director and writer. I too felt it could have been more suspenseful. The whole while I was thinking, this is the kind of movie Hollywood has traditionally done so well...how did they miss this one?
"Intelligence is overrated. What's required is diligence. And the service of a willing spirit."
Most of the time Hollywood remakes a foreign film the brilliance of the original looses its meaning. I don't know why the H producer always want to remake and Hollywoodize foreign films that are brilliant and stand alone in their own rights. Tell Me No Lies is not even five years old! The movie is excellent. Just imagine how much of the story would be butchered to get across to an audience who love action and entertainment over good story lines and character development. As some commentators already mentioned, Hollywood recycled films are all about making money at the expense of quality work. PS Hollywood has ran out of ideas. Its been remaking a whole lot of classic movies both foreign and American.
Some Hollywood remakes include Taking of Pelham 1974, The Crazies the old one is from 1973, Munich from the original Sword of Gideon movie in 1986, Quarantine 2004 is based on Spanish movie Rec 2003, the Ring comes from Ringu, One Miss Call again another Japanese Horror movie named Chakushin Ari, etc
Yeah, most remakes are are a poor substitute, but we've been doing it with mythology & bible stories & Greek theater & Shakespeare all the way to Hollywood.
If there was EVER a film that needed a remake it is Tell No One.
I am certainly not a fan of Hollywood remakes (although I do understand the commercial rationale for them) but, boy, I'd love another director to have a go at remaking this. The script needs some serious work.