Owe Alex? Clearly the police and/or doctors could run some tests of their own and come to the conclusion that his son was a hemophiliac.... So was Bruno beating his kid and Alex covered for him???? I dont understand this part of the movie....
Beating his kid? No, no. My sense was that Bruno respected Alex because Alex had shown compassion for him and been patient with him and had been so caring for his son. From Bruno's point of view, Alex had completely looked beyond social class and French bureaucracy and just treated Alex and his son as fellow human beings in need of help.
Alex was supplying him with drugs, probably steroids. Remember when Bruno tries to give him money and Alex wouldnt take it? He says he'll call Bruno later.
He was not giving him drugs. Clearly not in line with the character, who for the sake of the movie was clean as a whip. This is a very all good, black and white type of film. The movie merely depicts the elitist view that all thugs and lower classes are unruly, stupid, and disgusting BUT when given a mere smile by a smart person from the upper classes, they transform into workable human beings. Sound familiar?
Think about it, the original poster misconstrued a bit, but his point is valid. Any doctor would have found his son's blood condition and all charges would have been dropped. Since in this reality the thug is cripplingly stupid, he thinks of the doc as some sort of savior that he owes everything to. If he just met the doc, he would have treated him like garbage like everyone else, but because it was HIS guy, he would literally kill for him.
The message is a liberal wet dream, but also very telling and damming of them as well.
People getting caught in the system, being misdiagnosed, other people rushing to judgement, people not being treated with patience and caring... these are not just 'elitist stereotypes'. I though the character of Bruno was very well done.