What the heck....
Is that sanassa, silly and billy business??? Is it something they just made up, or did they get it from somewhere? It's really stupid and irritating.
shareIs that sanassa, silly and billy business??? Is it something they just made up, or did they get it from somewhere? It's really stupid and irritating.
shareidk they've been singing it from the first episode. i dont know what it is but therre always singing it.
shareSilly & Billie are nick names they made up for eachother. And sanassa is apreantly a song they heard at one of their parents parties when they were younger, so now its like their theme. Sanassa means "to give head in a mexican manner". I got the defenition from urbandictonary.
I just wanna suck on a weenie! -Anna Nicole Smith
I love that song :P
me and my friend sing it all the time and we call eachother Silly & Billy. we love paris and nicole and since i'm like nicole and stuff i'm billy and she's Silly =P=P
Why in the world would you want to be like them?
sharebecause i think they're great people, of course they're spoiled and rich and everything but they're really great.
shareThey're also incredibly stupid and have no skills whatsoever.
sharethey have skills.
just different from ours.
okay like in season 3 when nicole had to get some company a table at this famous restaurant or whatever.. i think she handeled that really well.
Ha ha ha. Didn't she LIE about why the guy wanted to go there?
And why would you want to be like people who say the F-Word every other word? They have to bleep 65% of their show because of the things they say. That makes a person sound completely unintelligent.
ahh you just don't get it....
there's a lot of people who say 'the f word' all the time...
yeah she did lie but the guy told her to LIE. he said she can say whatever as long as she gets him a table.
And because a lot of people say it all the time, it makes it ok. It doesn't change the fact that is excruciatingly unattractive when people constantly cuss, not to mention the fact that it makes them sound like morons. But I suppose since their rich and spoiled, it doesn't matter what they sound like or what kind of destruction they cause.
shareNo it doesn't make it ok but if it bothers you this much, then do something ok?
I don't wanna fight with u ok...
People like different things and so someone likes cussing, it's his problem, not yours or mines. Just live with it. I like Paris and Nicole not because of the cussing or anything but just because.
What bothers me is the fact that you want to be like them. This is what the youth of our coutry has to look up to, and honestly, it scares me. You want to be like two girls who have no talent whatsoever. They are only famous because their parents have money. They can't act. They can't sing. They cuss non-stop... in front of children and people that ask them not to. I happen to cuss more than I should, but if someone specilfically says, "Please do not cuss in my home", I have the respect to do my best not to. They have no respect for anyone. They make fun of and laugh at people that are different than them. Not to mention the fact that BOTH of them have recently been arrested for DUIs. Now I'm sorry, but drunk driving is absolutely despicable. Do you realize how many lives they put in danger doing that? It is ridiculous, and yet, you want to be like them. I feel sorry for you.
Jpotcher i think you need to loosen up a tad. Its called TELEVISION and whats the point in coming on the Simple Life boards being a muppet and writing a paragraph that i got like a quater of the way down and thought what the hell i can not be arsed reading this crap? Do you gain somthing from it? Do you not have a life?
"What is Wal-Mart? Do they sell walls" - Paris Hilton
OH, well, pardon ME for not wanting the youth of our country to want to be alcoholic, disrepectful, morons.
shareYeh because all youths are alcoholic and so on because of the simple life. When you ask a teen why do they drink o yeh well because of the simple life as if! Its a television show for fun!
"What is Wal-Mart? Do they sell walls" - Paris Hilton
They said they want to be like Paris and Nicole. Paris and Nicole are drunks. THAT'S real, not television.
shareSo what they are having a good time! Really you need to loosen up. They can learn from there mistakes they dont need some randomer telling them on a internet message board!
"What is Wal-Mart? Do they sell walls" - Paris Hilton
I'll loosen up when young girls start looking up to stable, intelligent women, instead of talentless, rude, jokes like these two.
shareI dont see what the problem is.
"What is Wal-Mart? Do they sell walls" - Paris Hilton
The problem is that parents aren't teaching good values for their children and are letting the television be a baby sitter. That's all we need is a bunch of Paris's and Nicole's running the country in ten years. I don't see how you CAN'T see the problem. You are so blind.
shareYep thats me blind. Anyway i cant be bothered wasting my time on someone so uptight. I have better things to do like get recked and stoned and blame the simple life.
"What is Wal-Mart? Do they sell walls" - Paris Hilton
Then why do you keep responding?
I never blamed the show. What I SAID was that it worries me that kids are looking up to these girls and wanting to be like them. If they were just watching the show for entertainment, that would be one thing, but when they say they want to be just like them, it tells me that their parents are not teaching them the difference between real and fiction. THAT is a problem. That is a HUGE problem. Young girls need better role models than this. If feeling that way makes me uptight, then so be it.
I don't understand why people are blaming this show for teaching girls the wrong values. I do not feel that people should be denied a fun and entertaining show because some people are afraid that kids will grow up to be brats. If you are going to have kids then YOU need to take the responsibility to raise them. Don't blame the show. Blame the parents.
shareAgain, I did not blame the show. I NEVER blamed the show. What is SAD is that girls say they WANT to be like the girls on the show. THAT is what the problem is, not the show itself. Hell, I freaking WATCH the show. I don't understand why ANY girl would want to be like the girls on the show. If anything, I would think this show would teach girls how NOT to act.