MovieChat Forums > The Simple Life (2003) Discussion > It's pathetic, now I say gorgeous all th...

It's pathetic, now I say gorgeous all the time...............

Has anyone else found themselves in this type of scenario? I don't act like them, but I've started picking up on the language. He's gorgeous, it's gorgeous, and especially if it's not gorgeous. It's pathetic, I know but hey maybe I'm not the only one out there who does this? By the way, I'm in my early twenties!

Tennesee Williams once wrote: "We All Live in a House of Fire".


i'm 16, and i can't stop saying "That's Hot"



your 12
then your a f*ggot wanna be paris hilton
grow up


SHES a wanna be Paris? Have you looked at your username, Miss Hilton?

Theater:Spider-man 3 9/10
DVD: Gremlins 8.5/10



^^ Loves it.


Well u little *beep* u better shut your *beep* mouth

such a foul mouth for such a stupid little girl

your 12 years old/ u need to get a life u stupid little *beep* your straight?
thats hard to believe hon


MissHilton do everyone a favor and growup you immature little brat.


n'thhnx darlin




no thanksss
12 year old little girls should stop trying to act like paris hilton
*beep* LG's


uuuugh, it truly does suck. I'm not proud of it at all, but a my friend and I have started saying "hey gorgeous", "that's hot", "do you love it?", "sexy", etc. etc. so much that now all our other friends are saying it as well. All our guy friends make fun of us now.. it's embarrassing. We now sound like rich bitches. Not good.

Now. . . bring me that horizon



I say "Do you love it" sometimes. I'm trying to stop.
I'm 15 =]

Theater:Spider-man 3 9/10
DVD: Gremlins 8.5/10


ahaha im always saying "thats hot" and "do you love it"

Veronica: Be cool soda pop


I like to say "do you love it" and "loves it"

"Write only of what is important and eternal." ~Anton Chekhov (1860-1904)


12 year old little girls should stop trying to act like paris hilton

Everyone else on this board is saying the same thing so why arent u dissin on them? whats ur obsession with 12 year olds?? Kinda freaky if u ask me....

If you don't like gay marraige blame straight people, because they keep making gay babies

reply she needs to grow up? Uhm, you're the one yelling at a 12 year old are you? like 13?


you wish i was 13


so your 12.

Theater:Spider-man 3 9/10
DVD: Gremlins 8.5/10



What's funny is that this *beep* name is Miss Hilton, yet she's *beep* on someone who uses Paris' catch prashes. You are making fun of her for being 12, yet you yourself are acting like a *beep* 6 year old. I think you need to grow the *beep* up, get a life, and stop picking fights on the internet. I know if you ever said *beep* like this in the "real world" you'd probably get your ass beat all the time, but you're probably just a fat bitch who is sitting at home on the internet with a pint of Ben and Jerry's. So gorw the *beep* up and stop being an ugly bitch. These forums are for people to share their interest and love for this show. Not for some pathetic loser to start fights on you nasty ass skank. So do the world a favor and choke on your ice cream.

and by the way making fun of someone for their sexuality just shows how *beep* ignorant you are and what an immature unintelligent piece of *beep* you are. So *beep* off and die you fat ugly whore.


Urm...your acting like a 5 year old in that post Fallen why cant you be civilised and act mature instead of swearing your mouth off and calling people you have just lowered yourself to her standards i feel sorry for you.



ive picked up on alot of language. i really should stop though.




ha! omg
I run like paris,
like you know how she kinda skips-run
i do that all the time.

And I always hold my hand out like nicole,
damn, i dunno, but look at her holding her purse,
and she just holds her hyand out,
I think that's everyone though,
i dunbno.

I walk into a room,
"hey skanks"
"hey bitches"
and when I walk out,
I always say,
"bye, sexual"
just cuz it sounds like "bisexual"
and cuz nicole always says "sexual"

I'm aware of tehse changes,
it's kinda like a salamader affect i have,
I do with accents too,
when I'm around someone with a brit accent
I pick it up unconciously.


I'm getting quite bad for sying the phrases. I constantly say sexy all the time and love it. And I don't mind. I say them because I'm obviously comfortable with saying them. So i works for me :D


im a dood and i say gorgeous lmao its so fun haha i get laffs well i say it the way paris does no scratch that *beep* paris the way nicole says heres and i say Jeeze the way nicole does too lmao :0 btw im a gay man haha wel u get the picture

M i t c h [ e e ] G i t c h [ e e ]


ahaha aawwwwe the fat *beep* thinks people are defending her
how cute!


ahaha aawwwwe, noone really cares what you have to say unless it's to do with the original topic, not just still going on about something silly you started, and obviously wish to carry on for some reason. don't you have a life?


I can't stop saying "geez".

Ryan: Sometimes I think you talk just to make sounds.


Haha, I say "Hey sexy", "Hi gorgeous" etca lot.

Also somehow picked up "Loves it!" and "That's hot"

I have even been known to sing "Sanasa"

But I love Paris and Nicole! So infectious .

I'm 19 btw.

