could somone help me
i didnt understand the whole movie somone please help me
dont worry, it is a very complex movie, when i first saw it i was like WTF????! but the more you watch it the more it kind of pieces together, ive only seen it twice so my description wont be as good as others but ill give it a go.
Basically the film is focussed around a thirteen year old girl called aviva who desperatly wants a baby, she visits a family friend and her wish comes true shes gets knocked up. her parents distraught immediatly make her get an abortion, she goes through with it but in grief runs away from home. On her travels she gets "adopted" into the mary sunshine lifstyle for a while, until she finds out they are actually bigots who want to kill doctors that perform abortions, also she meets a man there that she met earlier in the film and she runs away with him, and the story escalates out of control with him. She eventually makes it back home with her parents but scarred by wants happenned.
the reason why your confused is because aviva is played by about 7 different actress's. One minute shes a young skinny girl with red hair, then shes a chubby bruntte, then an obese black lady, and a few others even jennifer jason leigh and at one point a man. I think the director chose this approach to show the characters progession and changes, and of course things are not always what they seem. Check out welcome to the dollshouse which is another of his films, they're all kind of similar, he has a unique way of working.
Hope this helps a bit :-)
Palindromes is a Menippean Satire, much like Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. The reason for having so many actors of different race, color, and creed play the same character is two-fold. One to show the viewer that just because one changes one's outside appearance, that doesn't mean their inward appearance changes. Aviva's outward appearances changes throughout the entire film. She is a he at one point, middle aged at another, fat, skinny, white, black, but though many different actors play Aviva, making Aviva look differently; most of the actors portray Aviva the same way, Aviva might look different, but she is always a little shy, not fully-formed, uncomfortable in her own skin, detached person. As Mark says near the end of the film: "You might get a body tan, you might lose weight, but essentially you’re the same." What director, Todd Solondz is commenting on (at least to me) is those self-deluded people who try to become "happy" via going on diets, getting face-lifts, getting a boob job, etc. These people try to change their outward appearance, yet our soul is still the same (whether we like it or not).
Another reason Aviva is played by many different actors is to show that what Aviva is going and the way she acts isn't unique, but that we are all like her. Palindromes is about how no matter what you believe in, people act similar to even people who believe in the opposing beliefs. There is a scene in Palindromes, when the anti-abortion mother forces Aviva to kill the baby. So while it might seem that only people who are for abortions take away the lives of young ones, so do people who are anti-abortion. Remember when Bob/Joe/Earl by mistake murdered the doctor's child as well as the doctor. This scene could be construed as Todd Solondz trying to shock people by seeing a young child die, but I see it that even people who bomb abortion clinics and murder abortion doctors, aren't just murdering the doctor, but his children as well, since by murdering the doctor, if the doctor who got murdered wanted anymore children, his progeny is stopped because his life was cut short. So by having the child get murdered as well, Todd Solondz is showing that even the extremists who think by murdering one doctor, they are saving many lives by stopping the abortions being preformed, they are also ruining many lives, not just the doctor, but the children the doctor may have had if he lived, as well as his children's children, and his children's children's children, and so fourth. So even though the people who bomb clinics think that they might only destroy one life, by acting in such an extreme manner, they are just like the doctor. And this is true in many issues as well. For example, the destruction of the World Trade Center was bombed because the homicide bombers (not suicide bombers, since suicide involves only killing oneself, not killing oneself as well as others, because if the homicide bombers are considered suicide bombers since they killed themselves, than the man as Virginia Tech could be one long suicide since he killed himself at the end). Anyway, just like the homicide bombers murdered in the name of God, so to did the President. Even though President Bush thinks he is the opposite of the terrorists bombers, he also is similar to them, since when he said, "God is on our side" when referring to the Iraq war, President Bush is causing the deaths of others in the name of God, just like the homicide bombers destroyed the World Trade Center in believing in God and that they will get 70 virgins when they die, or so they claim.
So the point of Palindromes is to show that when people act according to what they think is right without trying to understand the other side, they end up becoming the other side, so by acting with your eyes and ears only open to what you believe in and think is right, all morality goes out the window. And since the one side through their extreme behavior becomes their opposing side, people aren't one-dimensional but are behave one minute one way and act inversely the next minute. People are constantly becoming the other side. Aviva's mother was pro-choice, but then by forcing her daughter to get an abortion, Aviva's mother became similar to the Sunshine family in that Aviva's mother in acting in support of abortion (at least when it comes to her daughter) and the Sunshine family became like Aviva's mother by hiring a hitman who accidentally kills a young child. In the world of Palindromes the reason people's names (Aviva/Henrietta and Bob/Earl/Joe and Judah/Otto) change and people's looks change is because the way we act changes and that people have no one set pattern of behavior and that we act like our "enemies" even when we don't realize it and the change of looks and the change of names I believe is a metaphor for how people are constantly changing their behavior patterns. In the film, there is a scene when Bob/Earl/Joe seems a baby doll hanging out of the garbage. Joe takes the baby out of the garbage and looks at it. The baby has a phallic image of a bottle can up the baby's butt and the words, "F--ck Me" are written on the babies stomach. Earl seems to love children and when he looks at what people did to the doll, he refers to those who desecrated the doll as "sickos," but Earl is just like these people. Earl is a pedophile who shoves his "bottle" up children's butt and does to Aviva what is written on the baby doll. So what I believe this scene shows is the people's self-delusion. Earl refers to people who use sexual images on a baby (or child) as "sickos," yet he acts the same way.
Another example of self-delusionment in Palindromes is when Mark responds to his acquisitions of being a pedophile by saying he's not a pedophile to which, Aviva responds, "I believe you because pedophiles love children." This is humorous because Todd Solondz is using the literal meaning of pedophilia. "Ped" means child and "phile" means love, so pedophile" literally means "a lover of children" but though a pedophile might love children but just expresses his love in a way that shatters a child's life, normal society views pedophiles not as someone who loves children since their actions ruin children's lives. But in Palindromes, there's no doubt in my mind that Aviva's parents loved her, but like a pedophile, Aviva's parents expressed their love in ways that Aviva didn't view as love (love = receiving tangible objects).
So while people might view their opponents as being different from them, Palindromes shows people being like their opposites, which is why I believe people constantly change their names and looks to show that one's identity isn't unique, but there is a part of Hitler and Gandhi in all of us.