That the "Mark" character - whilst being the one accused of molesting children - actually appeared to be the most together character of all. He was the one that talked the most sense to Aviva at the garden party and warned her that she was at risk of being picked up and murdered by a serial killer should she keep hitchhiking earlier in the film. Out of all the characters he is the one that struck me as being the least dangerous.
yep. the mark character just proves the good ol' saying that you shouldn't get caught up in the hype and believe everything you hear or see. he's been wrongfully accused-- by his younger sister, nonetheless!-- of molesting her child. so then word spreads in town and now he's ostracized for no good reason. compare that to the loving sunshine family who has well-hidden abuse and murder elements floating about-- yet are seen as these angelic people-- makes you wonder why this strange phenomenon happens. is it just that people are this cruel and stupid and are easily led? or is it because, deep down, they know the truth about certain things, but would rather demonize someone/something that they see as outwardly different and going against the grain in life (i.e. mark), than challenge something so superficially "good and just" and what we wish everyone would *act* like (i.e. sunshines/doc/bob), so we can all turn a blind eye to the horrors of the world?
i dunno, but i've learned the hard way in life that it's the marks in this world-- the ones who seem weird and have different views, but are actually very good people and take the higher road-- that tend to be looked down upon and questioned viciously, while the ones who know how to talk the talk and walk the walk and play the game are actually the ones who get away with murder and appear everso peachy keen.
Hollywood films = how we want the world to be. Independent films = how the world really is.
i know it's a little out of context, but i love your signature! In any case i do agree that looks can be deceiving when it comes to people. Of course, it's hard to be open minded and welcoming to someone who might harm you, but in the end anyone could!