What is this film?

At first, I looked at it and thought it would be a great film. A low in quality yet strong at heart Indie film. Now I wasn't to sure what this was about, I was still trying to figure out what was with the alibino girl. Then I came here and saw people talk about abortions, pedophilia and so on.

So if somone could please explain this movie to me I'd like that.


Can you draw with your feet?
It hurts a lot.


It's about a girl, Aviva, (her name is a "palindrome") who wants to get pregnant and have a baby. Her mother forces the abortion on her. So she goes around the country, looking to get pregnant with a pedophile and also a teenager about her age. She also meets a very Christian family who sort of adopts her.

Oh, and there are like 8 actors portraying this one Aviva girl, which you won't understand until a certain Mark character's speech at the end.


lol, watching the movie would be a start.
