Did anybody's attitude to Aviva change completely with the actresses? It's an interesting effect because ostensibly the only differences are cosmetic... they're the same character. Is that Solondz' way of calling the audience shallow? Were these audience attitude changes even intentional? What is Solondz trying to say?
Yes, my attitude changed every time the actress/actor changed because of the utter stupidity of having different actors play the same part. As usual with such artsy contrivances, it was supposed to impress the wannabe film aficionados but ultimately served no meaningful purpose.
As usual with you Luddites, art is wasted upon you. Just because you're too dumb to get it, doesn't mean there's no meaning or purpose to it. You don't get it, so you ascribe it all to the non-existant liberal elitism.
You do this because you're ashamed to admit to even yourself that you don't get it.
When one is confronted with something you don't understand, there are two possible reactions: 1. Mocking it, because you feel threatened by this idea/construct you don't get 2. Accepting that you don't understand it, putting it aside, because basically you don't feel threatened.
All attempts at mocking are because you're just too dumb to get it.
And as usual with you pseudointellectual film critic wannabes, you think you "get it" because your arrogance that hides your frequently confirmed sense of inferiority is a convenient (though pathetic) way to bolster the sagging ego that characterizes the high school English teacher mentality that you desperately hope convinces others that you have a speck of insight. When confronted with a threat to the shred of self-esteem that you cling to, instead of admitting your profound inability to truly grasp the difference between art and childish silliness, you make a personal attack on the messenger of your inadequacies rather than even attempt to face them realistically. Even more laughable than someone who is "just too dumb to get it" is someone who tries to pretend he "gets it" and in the process removes all doubt that he is capable of thinking more profoundly than a seven-year-old. Huh-oh-i-c, stop wasting your time here and do something constructive: try to understand the essays written by your ninth grade students before they surpass your understanding of film criticism.
Did anybody's attitude to Aviva change completely with the actresses? It's an interesting effect because ostensibly the only differences are cosmetic... they're the same character.
Yes, and I found it fascinating. And I think every one of them added something different to the character: naiveness, determination, introversion, sadness, hope, etc.
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