For a revisionist film that's meant to be about Jews personally defeating the Nazis, that Tarantino FUCKED UP, by casting dark-haired Jewish actress Julie Dreyfus as one of the Nazis, and blond(e), blue-eyed NON-Jews Brad Pitt and Diane Kruger as two of the heroes.
And yes, although Mélanie Laurent is a *rare* blonde Jewess in real life, I fucking GUARANTEE, that more of the Nazis' Jewish victims looked like dark-haired Julie Dreyfus, than they looked like Laurent (in fact, I do wonder how many 'blonde, blue-eyed Jews' are *genuinely Jewish, you know a *Semitic* race/ethnicity of people descended from the Middle East, or merely people who were adopted by Jews/appropriated Jewish culture and ended up living that way; for example, Evan Rachel Wood, a blonde woman who *wasn't* born Jewish, but identifies as Jewish on account of her step-father).
Instead, the genuinely dark 'Inglorious Basterds' played (mostly) by *genuinely* Jewish actors, like Eli Roth and Samm Levine, are sidelined in favour of blondey blonde Pitt and Kruger (although I also see from a quick inspection that not *all* the Basterds were played by authentically Jewish actors... *sigh*), which is a real slap in the face to all the non-blonde, non-blue-eyed people that the Nazis regarded as second-class citizens. After all, blonde and blue-eyed was seen as the Aryan Nazi 'ideal', and if, like me, you didn't fit the mould, you were liable to be PERSECUTED. 😠👊🏼
So, she was a bimbo? Great...🙄 That doesn't make her simping for the Nazis any less abhorrent.
Instead of Lída Baarová, how about a film attacking blonde, blue-eyed Swedish Nazi propaganda queen, Kristina Soderbaum, or a genuinely savage English-language biopic attacking Norwegian ice-skating Hollywood princess, Sonje Henie, who, of course, was friends with Hitler, and whose wealthy family's estate was left in one-piece, whilst the Nazis ransacked other Norweigians' homes, because of a prominently displayed signed photo of Hitler?
Or does banana-chinned, weird-looking Tarantino feel the need to keep simping for the pretty blonde people? Those people made me feel small at high-school, and as someone who's (unfortunately) been physically-likened to Tarantino, I don't understand his need to simp for these people. What does he think? He's part of the same club? That Margot Robbie will sleep with him, or Brad Pitt will treat him like his best buddy, if he keeps sucking them off?
And before anyone accuses me of being an 'incel' (the MOST pernicious and STUPID word in modern-day vernacular), remember, it's NOT me who was buddies with SERIAL RAPIST Harvey Weinstein, and it wasn't me who insisted that Uma Thurman do a dangerous car stunt rather than a trained stunt-person.
No, the *simps* (and I include BOTH Tarantino *and* 'big-time Hillary Clinton donor/women's charities contributor' Harvey Weinstein here), are almost ALWAYS the ones who *actually* abuse women.
Because, anyone who simps usually has something to hide/be ashamed of.
Never trust *anyone* who simps. *ONLY* trust the non-guilty, for the non-guilty are the ones who've done NOTHING wrong, and thus have NOTHING to cover-up for.
Yes, but Kruger was cast as a *heroic* German... *sigh*
Because, you know, the Germans were *sooo* heroic during the Third Reich, right? And German film-stars were all risking their lives to save Jews, instead of appearing in anti-Semitic propaganda films promoting 'Aryan supremacy'. 🤦♂️
Tarantino is SUCH a fucking *SIMP*, like most dodgy men with a history of mistreating women (apparently, he gave Uma Thurman a hard time on the Kill Bill set, by putting her life at risk). He truly believes Hollywood and the filmmaking world is some bastion of righteous integrity, instead of a society populated by the *MOST* greedy, venal, selfish, spoiled, narcissistic, racist, misogynist, anti-Semitic (yes, including many self-hating Jews), bigoted, cowardly and morally wretched people in the entire world. Back in the day, American Jewish studio heads weren't going to lift a finger to speak out against what was being done to Jews in Europe, so what makes a historically illiterate cretin like Tarantino think that some blonde, blue-eyed Aryan German film star is going to do anything to help them?
He really needs to STOP simping for these people. Maybe look in the fucking mirror and recognise he is *NOT* one of them, and start standing up for the freaks and weirdos, instead of putting the fucking Sharon Tates and Brad Pitts of the world on a fucking pedestal.
Tarantino's a technically brilliant filmmaker and writer, but individuals who don't know which way their bread is buttered *REALLY* bug me, almost as much as their polar opposites, the supremacists (and notice that the pretty people *NEVER* simp for the 'freaks'; it's strictly a one-way love affair, and all the more PATHETIC for it).
Supremacists *and* simps need to be boiled in a fucking pot.
So you just assumed that every German from that time period was a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer?
And you yourself have this idealized version of what you think Tarantino should be and make movies for? Get bent. He can do as he wants and cast who he wants, he can give two fucks about what you think he should do. I'm not even that big of Tarantino fan, but you definitely sound dumb.
Oh poor widdle Germans who stood and did NOTHING whilst 6 MILLION JEWS were sent to their deaths.
No, sorry, FUCK those people. 😠👊🏼
The ones who weren't Nazis/Nazi-sympathisers were arguably the *worst* because they knew, or should have known, what was happening was wrong, and they did NOTHING.
Same applies to the Russkies today. Fuck the ones who 'don't agree with Putin' but do NOTHING to stop him. What are they fucking waiting for? Just biding their time, and waiting for him to do something *really* terrible...? 🙄🤦♂️
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing"
Firstly, am I talking about Austro-Hungary-born Oskar Schindler? Clearly not, seeing as he is a rare example of someone who *did* do something to protect Jews from persecution.
Secondly, he was a real person, and he was an industrialist, not some fucking fatuous movie star.
And thirdly, Oskar Schindler did a truly wonderful thing, but the initial motives behind his act of heroism are quite murky, and it's arguable that initially he was exploiting cheap Jewish labour, before he suddenly grew a conscience. Of course, from a utilitarian POV, none of that matters. What matters are the 1,200 Jewish lives he saved, but the question of his intrinsic 'heroism' and 'morality' is not a clear-cut one.
Most movies are fictional. Are we not allowed to criticise them?
Also, this movie and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, have a greater responsibility to realism/the truth, because they're revisionist histories, as opposed to *entirely* fabricated stories.
Tarantino is wielding his power as a filmmaker for very problematic narratives IMHO, ones that people are more likely to fall for because his films are perversions of *real* events. 😠
He's basically the cinematic equivalent of one of those fucking 'historians' who deny the Holocaust or try to reframe the Confederacy as the 'good guys', and that is FUCKING shameful IMHO. 😠
Why were Jews evicted from every Country they ever settled in going back 100 years even before WW2
Why do people believe that that entire war was based on prejudice of a particular? are people really that 'simp'
also 'and as someone who's (unfortunately) been physically-likened to Tarantino' i am sorry to laugh i don't know if you are joking or not but that was comical
"Why were Jews evicted from every Country they ever settled in going back 100 years even before WW2"
What point are you trying to make here?
Assuming this is an honest question: because people are bigots, and it's always easy to blame and stigmatise a minority, especially one that is famed for its academia and intellectual prowess, since they represent a 'threat' to the establishment.
"Why do people believe that that entire war was based on prejudice of a particular? are people really that 'simp'"
Once again, I don't understand your point, but NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE, is saying that WWII was attributable to justice for the people persecuted by Hitler during thr Holocaust. More's the pity.
The Allies had an opportunity to bomb the rail-lines to the various concentration camps, but, for whatever reason, we refused to do so. We knew what was happening to Europe's Jewish population, and we did NOTHING. 😠 That applies to the US and UK.
"also 'and as someone who's (unfortunately) been physically-likened to Tarantino' i am sorry to laugh i don't know if you are joking or not but that was comical"
FWIW, I've also been physically likened to Henvy Cavill, Tom Hanks, Roger Federer and Joaquin Phoenix. Not great, but not terrible either, I guess. On the other hand, various people have said I'm good-looking, so maybe I'm a 'good-looking' version of Tarantino, or maybe the people who compared me to him were just being dicks.
Tarantino is obviously very distinctive looking and so if you looked 100 percent like him that would indeed be unfortunate, i hope you don't have the same sized head.
What point are you trying to make here?
The point is that there seems to be a common denominator here, in many Counties-Spain for example they had many different cultures at one point, but while they suprisingly got on well and lived in peace with the Muslims it was the Jews that they kicked out. And it wasn't for their supposed intellectual superiority, nor was it their unethical means of making money which is often brought up, it was infact from what i have been told no word of a lie due to certain practices involving children- that is feedback that i have received from many Spaniards and i believe it was a similar story in other Country's
In England there are also tales of child sacrifice taking place a few hundred years ago, it sounds far fetched i know but you can look it up
Then there is the sex trade and involvement in politics and media and you start to see the picture, they were no angels i can assure you
Even today as you already have noted your self how many Hollywood execs have been accused of rape or Pedophillia? are you seeing the common denominator.
Compare Hitler with Putin and we are to believe he's the New Hitler, when the facts are Zalinkski is a Jewish actor working with America aggitating Russia, it's all there if you want to see it
Or You can Trust noncy Quentin And Plant fucker Harvy
If Tarantino were 'ideologically Jewish', why does he always simp for blond(e) blue-eyed Aryans, like Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie and Sharon Tate? He didn't have many nice things to say about Jewish Roman Polanski in OUATIH (the man is a Holocaust escapee whose entire family were killed in the Holocaust FFS!). And one of the Manson Murderers was played by a Jewish actress, Mikey Madison, who basically played the same role in Scream V (yep, Hollywood *hates* Jewish women, which is why they keep being cast as psychos, bitches, shrill harpies and so-called 'JAPS'). Then again, OUATIH was all about the triumph of the blonde, blue-eyed WASPs (perfectly epitomised by Pitt, Robbie and *barely* Italian, and *predominantly* German, Leonardo *Wilhelm* DiCaprio...FFS, *Wilhelm*?!? Can you get any more German?), over the 'freaks', hippies, beatniks, and counter-culture types, who've often traditionally been Jewish and/or lower-class and/or from broken and decidedly *non*-'All American' homes (unlike Sharon Tate's perfect blonde, blue-eyed Middle American Texas family...)
And if he were 'ideologically Jewish', why did he take what should have been a Jewish story (about Jews avenging Hitler), and centre it around Christoph Waltz's 'scene-stealing Nazi' and Brad fucking Pitt (you know, the blond, blue-eyed, All-American kid with *claimed* BUT non-existent 'Native American' roots...don't all blond(e) Americans...? 🙄 who personally saved the world from the Nazis in Inglorious Bastards and ended slavery in 12 Years a Slave).
Then again, maybe you have a point; there are a LOT of bizarrely self-hating Jews in the world, who *keep* fucking simping for the Aryans and the fucking shiksas who contributed to the MURDER of 6 MILLION JEWS during the Holocaust. 😠
He was more than sympethetic towards Roman Polanski in real life even excusing everything he did and saying that the girl was 'Down with it'
Inglorious Basterds is a Jews wet dream of a film and it reinforces the narrative that they weren't a bunch of devious schemers who were undermining the governments of Every Country they were granted asylum and painting them as scared victims hiding under floorboards, and that the Nazi's were these 1 dimensional mean spirited bullies, were any of us really their or do we just have testaments from people whom it benefits.
Weren't the Bolsheviks Jewish? why does everybody forget the holocoust of Christians during that era?
Just as there are self hating Jews (why would they feel shame btw?) there are also self hating Aryans like Waltz who sell out their heritage in order to profit and gain stardom, bit of a disgrace.
It doesn't matter if the Actress playing a manson murderer was Jewish, was she stated as a Jewish character in the film? no just like when we get a film about a historical event painting one side in a bad light and the other in the good light- written and produced by one of the sides that is a little unfair is it not?
I am not a white supremacist by any means but i also don't think it's as black and white as we always see in Films and taught in History lessons and i don't understand how people still make exuses for Jews to this day as if they are still some sort of victims when in reality they are on top of the world and live in luxury and molest children
Maybe there were justified motives ever thought about that
Is this *Movie* Chat or Stormfront? It seems I can't get away from anti-Semitic BS on this site.
On thing I will agree with you about is that Tarantino has sadly defended Polanski in real-life, like many misguided Hollywood people, of all races and ethnicities, and not exclusively men. Still, in the film, he was referred to as a creep, by Steve McQueen, if I remember correctly.
But demonising an entire race/ethnicity on account of a minority of evil individuals is NEVER acceptable.
And as for your point about casting, it has come to my attention that Jewish actors are often cast as villains and/or unsympathetic characters in films. This is a disturbing trend, which I suspect ties into the discredited 'science' of physiognomy, which regards certain features (in this case Ashkenazi Jewish features) as inherently 'evil'. Anyone with *half a brain* should call out this practice, and insist that more villainous roles are taken by blond(e), blue-eyed gentile types.
Clearly Jewish actresses, like Sarah Silverman, have complained, with good reason, about how they're always cast as the 'bitch' and 'harpy', often by Jewish filmmakers (who seem to put 'shiksa' women on a pedestal, whilst continuing to demean their mothers, their sisters, their daughters, and their grandmothers). 😠
He may have uttered the word creep but if you didn't know any better then he was cast in a glowing light as the Hottest director on the planet who our lead desperately wants to impress.
Like it or not movies have never been just about movies they even reference this heavily in this film with Goerballs. Everyone can see how woke films are now because they don't care about hiding it anymore but it's always been there, so criticism and questions about true motives are valid.
Jewish actors make up 90 percent of the industry so of course they play evil characters, but tell me how many evil Jewish Characters can you name?
If you'd said studio execs, writers or even directors, you might have had more of an argument (although even that has significantly changed in recent years), but there's NO way that 'Jewish actors make up 90 percent of the industry.'
In fact, until a few decades ago, Jewish studio execs/producers/directors avoided casting Jewish women in films, because they regarded acting as a "whores' profession". Acting was frowned down upon as a profession in the very intellectual/academic Ashkenazi Jewish community, and until the 1970s, studios were very reticient about casting Jews in their movies, and if they did, they insisted that they change their name to something 'less ethnic'.
Bear in mind that many female actors come from the world of fashion/modelling/beauty pageants, which have mostly restricted/shunned Jewish women, in favour of Anglo-Saxon beauty. You do know that there's only ever been one Jewish Miss America, right? Sterotypical 'Jewish looks' (i.e. frizzy black hair, a 'large nose', thin face/narrow cheekbones, pale or dusky skin) has rarely found favour in the fashion and beauty industry. Look at all the major 'sex symbols': Marilyn Monroe (her *conversion* doesn't count), Betty Grable, Farrah Fawcett, Kim Basinger, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sharon Stone, Margot Robbie. With the exception of Gal Gadot, they've all mostly been blonde, blue-eyed gentile, even WASP, women.
And the point is that a lot of evil characters in films are codified as Jewish, by the casting of Jewish actors as villains (Disney animation does this a lot, by having dark, frizzy-haired villains contrasted with blonde, peaches-and-cream complexioned 'heroines').
And when a film *does* feature Jewish heroes, they're usually played by gentile actors, like Daniel Craig (i.e. Defiance, Munich) and Felicity Jones (i.e. On the Basis of Sex). Even frickin Moses was played by Christian 'American Psycho/Bruce Wayne' Bale FFS. I love the guy, but can you get any more WASP?
The Superstars tend to be non Jewish as they have to be handsome charming and charismatic which unfortunately doesn't seem to lend itself very well to them.
But the supporting cast and lower ones who make up the picture are nearly exclusively Jewsish. The types you see pop up on Curb your enthusiasm or a John Hughes type major Production you notice the same actors filling out the cast time again- oh i know him, he was in,,,the depth actually isn't that great.
That is true about certain architypes like in the Disney films i don't know about that i often wondered if it was a slight of hand by the filmmakers due to the fact you cannot under any circumstance point out any negative traits of Jews without being called Anti-Simetic and being blacklisted.
But their are also a lot of Jews on the Down low like Robert De Niro and while i have no proof i get huge vibes from Pacino and Scorcese
But my question was how many times can you remember a distinctly evil Jewish main character?
I can name dozens where the Evil bastard has a cross in the background and quotes the bible and that seems unfair to me. After years of these subtle references a picture begins to build up with the general public that isn't accurate- That is Propaganda- Which leads us right back to the point of this argument which was Inglorious Bastards being another prime example of that.
Curb is based around a Jewish character, but what are you talking about with respect to John Hughes? He was Irish-Catholic, and so was most of his cast. A few were Jewish, because the swanky part of Chicago that he hailed from tended to be a mix of Irish-Catholic and Jewish families. But watch Home Alone. Practically everyone in that film is Irish-Catholic or WASPy, apart from Daniel Stern (Jewish) and Joe Pesci (Italian), who play the THIEVES. And look at the other actors who emerged as stars from his films: Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy, James Spader, Emilio Estevez, Anthony Michael Hall, Kristy Swanson (a Republican Christian), and the majority of the actors throughout the Vacation films, including the kids. None of them are Jewish.
And De Niro, Pacino and Scorsese aren't remotely Jewish (De Niro is barely Italian either, for that matter). Where do you get this silly idea from? A 'vibe'? 🤦♂️ Do you realise how silly that is?
If it came down to 'vibes', I guess that would make *me* Jewish, since a lot of people have mistaken me for Jewish, but it's not about 'vibes' or even one's look. It's about one's ethnicity, and De Niro, Pacino and Scorsese are gentiles, and predominantly Catholic ones at that.
I'll have to think about your 'distinctly evil Jewish main character' question, but I've seen lot of films featuring greedy studio execs and financiers, who've often been played by Jewish actors, and coded as Jewish, whether or not someone explicitly says "I'm Jewish."
To give you an example off the top of my head: Starsky and Hutch. The villain, played by non-Jewish Vince Vaughn, is an evil businessman who we see hold a bat mitzvah for his daughter, and although the implication was always that Starsky was 'Jewish' or 'ethnic' (seeing as he was played by Jewish actors in both the TV show and the film), I don't believe he ever explicitly talks about his ethnicity/religion in the film, whereas Vaughn's villainous character *does*.
I'm sorry to argue but i must insist, Home alone alone With the exception of Pesci and maybe the Mother O'hara is almost entirely Jewish cast, go have a scroll through IMDB and check out some of those last names.
My point about this and the connection to Curb is that you find in these type of film ie Big Studio films there is a circuit of Actors who you notice pop up time and again mainly background and supporting actors many of whom later appear on Curb.
Tarantino has said himself that the stuidios give you a list of supporting Actors to choose from and it's the same tired names theres one for each level of importance
De Niro is confirmed Part Jewish on his mothers side and Pacino has been playing Strong Jews for the last 20 years. Scorcesse is allegedly Catholic but that film he made about the Last temptation was considered blasphemas and those Horn Rimmed glasses don't help
Also, I got criticised elsewhere for coming on this site to talk about politics rather than films. Now I'm talking about *films* people *still* have a problem... 🙄🤦♂️
You think it is because you are talking about films? More like highlighting your OCD. If you have a significant thesis here about the movie that would be one thing, but sorry, this is aimless and confused.
My these is about the hypocrisy of a film that claims to be an affirming revisionist piece of history where the Jews defeat the Nazis, and yet, the actual Jewish characters mostly get marginalised in the film, and who ends up surviving? The 'Jew Hunter' Nazi played by Christoph Waltz and fucking Brad Pitt...
And I *know* I'm not the only one who has made these observations. Esteemed, and often Jewish, film critics have pointed out the same thing.
This is not revisionist/revisionism, it is a pure fantasy.
And in case you did not watch the movie it was not the Jews that
defeated Hitler, it was the Basterds, the US Army special force.
It should be beneath anyone to complain about this movie in the
light of history because it is basically a comic version of fantasy history.
I'm just saying what your beef here, I'm not getting it.
you learned nothing from the Pandemic we are all part of the Humanity idc how palestianians raise there children that beauty of humanity different cultures and people we need to come together and stop fighting childish wars
Beating your children and making them hate and want to devote their lives to murder and even killing them if they disagree is in no way beautiful. Joogle, you are a sad, sick person.
There's nothing remotely ironic about that. The word you're looking for may be "interesting," but even that seems inaccurate, as you're talking about actors in a film. The ancestry or religion of the actor has nothing to do with that of the character he plays.
Fine, it's not semantically-accurate. I get that. It's not the dictionary-definition of 'irony', but it's still a glaring issue for me seeing that the film is supposed to be about Jews avenging Hitler, and yet the focus is mostly on non-Jews.
If you're going to use a word, you might as well know the dictionary definition, especially if it's the key (or only) word you're using in reference to the point you're trying to make.
"Revisonist Film" lol what mad Brad Pitt Aldo Rain isnt a Nazi loving southerner as seen recently in the news they killed Hitler and the Nazis crazy its not enough for some people.