The jews never stopped the war propaganda from the 2nd war and this is more of it
They have been feeding WW2 war propaganda since the late 1930s and the West still hasn't woken up and realized it.
shareThey have been feeding WW2 war propaganda since the late 1930s and the West still hasn't woken up and realized it.
sharePlease correct me if i am wrong but is the official narrative that Adolf started a war with half of the World because he was prejudice against Jewish people?
And these victims were just minding their own business the whole time being innocent before getting rounded up?
Do people actually believe that
Even if it's true, Jewish citizens were still innocent. And this movie is also mocking jews just as much as nazis. E.g. SS guy is a cunning, educated man who speaks many languages, while Basterds are some rednecks.
Hitler said publicly in 1939 that the war would end with the destruction of the Jewish race. It was his stated intent and expressed ambition.
shareThe Nazi party was shitty anyway. The Communist party was even worse.
Either way though this movie sucked.
If this is propaganda, then what is it propagating? What is your problem with it?
The movie is about Jewish Americans slaughtering German soldiers mercilessly behind enemy lines.
It's propagating the concept that jews are purely innocent victims fighting nobly against evil nazis who all deserve to have their heads bashed in. It's violence porn for jews and dehumanizing to the German soldiers of those days. The word "nazi" carries cartoonish levels of evil associated with it due to wartime and post wartime propaganda exactly like this. The nazis called out and openly challenged jewish globalist manipulations. Jews run hollywood. Jews have then made nonstop anti nazi propaganda during and after the war. Vietnam happened. Korea happened. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. But anti nazi movies top the list of war movies because of the peddlers pushing their propaganda, using it as a contemporary political bashing tool, as they have for many decades now.
shareTarantino is not Jewish, he's Italian. But he was born in a very southern part of Tennessee which actually makes him a hick. lol...
This might explain why the characters in this movie have strong southern accents.
Although Tarantino does live in Israel now and is married to a Jew, I don't think I would call IB a propaganda film. It's more like historical fiction based on WWII characters. And what are directors supposed to do? Make the nazi's look like the good guys in movies? haha..
I'm sure you socialist-progressive jew haters would like that.