i dont care what all the ten year old hilary fans say this is a rubbish film. it is cheap emotion and mawkish to the extreme. granted, hilary duff can act, but she has created the entirely wrong image for herself, and she cannot pick good scripts. she will never be taken seriously as either an actor or singer by grown-ups. without dozens of make-up artists, she wouldnt even be fairly pretty. dont watch this film. <peace out>
Well, I wached this movie coz I heard that Evan Rachel Wood was supposed to have the main part but couldn't do it because she was filming something else. I've liked all of Evan's other movies so I thought I would check tis one out. I thought it was OK, but Hilary does a bad job of it. She is good in the crying/sad scenes after Paul's death but in the scense where she was obviously supposed to be angry, she wasn't. Like when she was trying to get in on the first night, Hilary taps on the windows, and says her (obvs frustrated lines such as "you have to be kidding me" quite blankly instead of angrily. Its obvious that she is supposed to be banging loudly on the window/yelling because her next line to Jay is "Sorry, we got off on the wrong foot". Also, in the scene when she says to Denise (sp?) "Should I ask for a single", she's obviously supposed to say it angrily to try and embarass Denise into behaving civily, but Hilary asks it like a serious question. She also didn't rock out at all at the concert at te begining or when she she was on stage, which she was clearly supposed to do - she's boring performer to be honest. This movie was OK with Hilary in it but if someone like Evan Rachel Wood had been in it the it would have been a great fim. I don't think the movie was bad I just think that Hilary gave quite a bland and boring performance and therefore made it... not so good....
Why are people so negative about this film and Hilary Duff's acting? I thought this film was really good. I thought Hilary's acting was good too and her singing was even better. I don't quite understand how people can slag off this film so much, as i loved it especially the parts with Terri and Jay - their romance was so convincing! I cried quite a lot as well, and im not 10 years old either!
Haha, Hilary Duff. She seems like a nice person, but she should just quit acting. She never takes any risks!!! She always plays herself in her movies: small town blonde, a bit troubled, but always makes it out in the end and gets the guy. Isn't the point of being a serious actor taking risks and playing actual characters? She always says in her interviews that she doesn't take risks beacuse her fan base is mainly young girls. Any actor whose career is totally dictated by what they think their fans will think should seriously consider taking a risk once and a while. At nearly 20 years old, if Hilary doesn't stop playing tween/teen roles, she'll be typecast forever and will probably have a tough time getting serious work and being taken seriously by Hollywood. And this movie was cliche city. Gag town.
This movie is sad. Think of how many homeless people could have been fed with the money spent on this piece of trash. A pathetic attempt for Duff to shed her Disney image. Her acting has always been mediocre. Her singing is atrocious. Anyone who can't tell how computerized her voice is needs a hearing aid. Our standards for good singing are so low. Anyone with the right connections can put out a CD. So what if she can't sing to save her life. She's cute, she's skinny, she uses the word "like" more than a thousand valley girls. In ten years she'll be, as in the song sombody else wrote for her, So Yesterday. People will forget about her because she never did anything worth remembering. Anyway this movie SUCKED.
this movie is a piece of crap, it's like OMG! we feel so sorry for the poor girl who lost her brother, but no! she won't give up her true passion; singing. she fights and makes it against all odds, and of course kisses the boy in the end. Hilary Duff can in no way sing, the fact that she has a cd out is an insult to every hard-working talented artist out there. I hate her
wow..i actually thought i was the only one that didn't like this movie..Guess i'm not ..so first of all this movie sucked mostly because you would've expect who knows what(aka a lot) but ..man i fell asleep for about 5 times...and yes i admit it..i kept watching this thing just for oliver james's looks....
wateva u freak ...this movie is awesome and we'rent not 10 year old fans so shut the hell up cause hilary is awesome and so is this movie.................hilary is like my favorite actress and singer and im not gona let u say that *beep* about her
i think people should just watch what they wanna watch... i think it was a good movie. it made me cry so much. usually movies make you cry towards the end, but this one had me crying at the beginning, middle, and end. i guess im an emotional person, but it was pretty good. yeah sure, some acting sucked, some lines were stupid. some scenes were just bleh, but overall. i think a movie that makes me cry is good. it had some affect. so it had to be good. but whatever. everyone has their own opinion!
I think the worst part about her exaggerated musical abilities is that she supposedly "wrote" a song with Jay. I mean, I'm a piano player and I compose songs..and it isn't that easy to write a really good one. So that was just a little annoying.
u shut up.....who da hell are u to tell anyone shut up... how do u no if we have ever acted or singed... ur not a close family or friend so shut da *beep* up....and for ur information im doin drama in university right now....
You know, I disagree... This movie was a NICE TRY but just not that good. The plot was actually excellent- Hillary's acting was the best I've ever seen out of her... It's just that her voiced is so computerized that it takes away from the movie. She can carry a tune- that's about it. That's why it wasn't believable! Because people kept saying how amazing she is the entire movie when she really isn't. She's cute, pretty, somewhat of an actress, NOT a singer. But it's enjoyable- I liked it over all...
this movie is brilliant and i dnt care wt ppl say about it! i not been rude yh but this movie could realy relate 2 some ppl i no uve got ur views about hilary but i dont think you shouldnt be sayin the movie is crap cuz it might affend people! th song at the end is brilliant to and she sang it perfectly shes a brilliant actress just give her a *beep* break
learn to spell and use punctuation, you dumb *beep*.
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