Juicy Couture

Is it just me or has Hilary rlly got a Juicy ish in this movie?? she's wearing like 5 different colored velour Juicy hoodies throughout this movie and other camis/jeans etc. and it almost kinda bothers me. I mean a Juicy hoodie is usually around $110 US dollars and her family wasnt supposed to have a hige deal of money as it is...so generally if you are in Hilary's character's family, u usually wouldn't rlly spend so much on so designer clothes then considering what their income must be and how much they need the money for other things....and i being material and stupid or does this sound slightly unrealistic to anyone else???


LOL that's true. Her family plays poor, yet the girl is stylish? Maybe her she stold them, but it was cut out of the editing room. JK ! But, you did bring up a great point.


haha thanks. i mean, maybe she got the money from a job or something, but we shouldn't just ultimately assume that. It didnt really sound very realsitic to me but thanks for agreeing! :)


Perhaps Hilary Duff wore a few of her own clothes and the wardrobe department didn't give a stuff about it...

Who knows...its only a movie!


its a movie


Their family's supposed to be poor?? Since when! They lived in a MASSIVE house, her brother still lived there as an adult so I assume they supported him significantly, Terri had a ridiculous salon hairdo, the place was full of expensive-looking furniture and bits and bobs, especially Terri's room, the brother had his own car, she as a highschool student could afford two popular concert tickets, the mother could afford to pay for an expensive summer arts programme without the dad noticing the money missing, he handed Terri a giant wad of cash as she was leaving... the list goes on! Is this what Americans think poor people live like?

The mirror... it's broken.
Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.


hahaha i didn't realize it, but that does bug me when I used to watch Lizzie McGuire, in which Hilary Duff is supposed to be a dorky young teenager who isn't popular at all but in the middle school i went to (and probably any of you went to) her looks, clothes, different hair styles everyday would MAKE HER popular and cool. Seriously..Lizzie would have different hair and beautiful clothes and a nice house, great parents...life isn't really like that all the time.



is true ... but remember, lizzie wasnt supposed to be "uncool" per say. like, nobody hated her, people liked her, but she just for some reason wasnt popular. you know, she would do dorky things and fall down sometimes ... anyways, remember - she was supposed to appeal to a huge kid-preteen-young teen fanbase, like kids ages 7-13 were (and still are) worshipping her and thinking of her as such a great rolemodel, so, I mean ... no preteen wants a badly dressed, greasy haired unpopular appealing rolemodel, right? They want a Miley Cyrus or a Raven Symone or sumone along the lines of that who can make any dorky situation better and always come out pretty. Hil happens to be a pretty girl so I guess she just got lucky this time!


i have the same exact hoodies and they are not Juicy Counture, they are Old Navy


hers were 100% juicy
(first offs the J on the zipper is a huge giveaway)
and also, the velour patterns make it pretty obvious
i have the same ones in different colors (i think she had a dark blue one, and im pretty sure mine is the same, but there is like a specific pattern to the sweater though)


Oh my... well that's Hollywood for you. Juicy Couture in a poor family...


i see so many movies where the "middle working class trying to save up money to support the family dont want parents to lose job" kinda thing is a huge plot/factor in a movie, and yet the teenage main character daughter walks out in True Religion jeans and Juicy Couture Sweaters ... it's completely unrealistic! That pisses me off sooooo muchhh!!!


Maybe that's why they have money problems?


haha maybee
but seriously, its soo unrealistic :S



200 as in 200 UK pounds? = 100 dollars US. and yes that is pretty expensive for a hoodie. and she had like 5 of them at least so lets multiply 5 by 100 = $500 that could have been saved up for college or house payments but no... a schoolweeks worth of sweaters for when hil gets chilly.

come. awn.
