How bad is this movie?

I've been wanting to see it on youtube for a long time, but I have been beating around the bush because I heard that it's such a horrible movie!


If you're a Hilary Duff fan, enjoy cheesy movies and like mediocre pop music, you'll love this movie!

[And now I hear you found somebody new, and that I never meant that much to you].


The above post by 'notpictured' is misleading, or the poster has not seen the movie. This is NOT typical Hillary Duff fare. Rather artsy and gritty in places and involves struggling with lifelong conflicts and the painful psychological impact and inspiration of the death of a close sibling. There's nothing mediocre, cheesy, or pop musicish about it.


Uhhh, Error_PC,

YES THERE IS! It's cheesy and downright awful.

Have you ever watched Community? There's an episode where the characters sit down and watch an awful movie in order to make fun of it the entire time. My friends and I use Raise Your Voice for that occasion.

It's absolutely atrocious. Hilary Duff lacks any acting talent and the story is offensively overdramatic. But it's funny as hell to watch with a group of friends who enjoy making fun of stupid, pretentious teen movies.


I wouldn't say Hilary was a terrible actress but this was definitely a terrible movie. Even as a younger teen I found myself cringing A LOT.
She had better kid/teen films in her time. It's difficult to watch her make a movie about professional singing though because she just isn't that great of a singer.


OK, I just watched this movie. It wasn't HORRIBLE, but it certainly wasn't the best movie I've ever seen. Hilary's acting wasn't that bad, but her singing was. I have to agree with the review I read on the front page of this board in that it was VERY obvious that her singing was edited for the classical songs she "sang." She just doesn't have the vocal range to pull off those types of songs successfully.

Also, a lot of the other kids in this out-performed her big-time both in acting ability and in musical talent whether they were singing or performing musical instruments.

This movie would have worked better with another actress in the role Hilary played. Someone who has a much stronger vocal capacity.

Anyway, if someone wants to see this movie, and they already have cable or satellite, great. Watch it when it comes on there. But don't waste money on renting it in any capacity.
